What are you doing

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AN:it has been 4 years since I wrote anything in this book. I was a cringy kid who barely know what English is but hopefully, after 4 years of reading books my English have slightly improved.
In complete honesty, I have no idea what the story is going to be about and I dont want to die of embarrassment reading my old work.
I also stray away from first person type of book and focus more on third person because I find it more comfortable so, enjoy or whatever lol Im not even in the fandom anymore. Really, i dont even know who's going to read this. Is a short one but after 4 years of development, I hope you enjoy.
No beta we die like man
It was insulting how someone would disturb his beauty sleep.

It had been days since he got a restful sleep after the exams with works going on (and the thought of sunglasses boy but we don't talk about that) and now just after he got some nice sleep in his comfortable bed there's loud noises in his kitchen. And of course, he would be like every person in a horor movie and went to check it. Like a good ol' American he check it with a classic baseball bat

"What's up, man"


Jon pointed accusingly at the person who is in his kitchen.

"Yeah, me. Wait, what about me?"

The sunglasses boy is in his kitchen. Well, not round sunglasses boy anymore since he's wearing aviators sunglasses now. Aviator (he's going to call him that for the time being) is currently floating while eating from a cereal box.

"Listen Sunglasses, I dont know what the hell youre and what you want from me. Hell, I dont even remember what your name is but can you not bother me?" Aviator gave him a thoughtful look and laugh at his face "Sunglasses? Is that what you've been calling me in your head?" Aviator shove another mouthful of cereal "how about you just call me Red Jacket next time, sounds cooler and I don't change my jacket"

Jon put down his bat and sigh "Cmon man, can you quite down or something? I know my roommate just left to jog or some shit but there's still some kid in the campus tryna sleep" he pointed at himself "really 'preciate it if you keep it down" Jon closes his eyes for one second but when he opens them, Aviator slid in a cassette tape into his radio but before Jon can jump across the room to shut the radio, a song started to play.

Aviator recognized the drum beat and let out a childish grin.

Barry Marilow begin to sang Copacabana while Jon ran around the living room trying to catch a flying radio from blasting the song even louder "she wear a merengue and do the cha cha" Aviator sang and move his hip along the beat. Some poor fucker saw the scene happening and made eye contact with Jon but Jon rush over to close the curtain before anybody else sees him in a distress state but they don't care about what Jon look like because they're pretty sure they just saw a flying radio and a muffle Copacabana playing from it but then again is 4 in the morning, maybe they accidentally ate the wrong type of brownie on the table or drank too much coffee or sleep deprived.

Jon went back to the middle of the room and jump up the sofa, knocking over cups and empty beer over. The radio is still flying but Aviator is no longer can be seen. Jon deduct that the ghost is holding the radio (pretty obvious) and sing along to the song. As annoy as Jon is, he must admit that Aviator have a good singing voice.

"But Rico went a bit to far
Tony sailed across the bar
And then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in two
There was blood and a single gun shot
But just who shot who?"

"Sunglass, knock it the hell down" Jon is slowly losing his mind as they reach the hundredth Copacabana in the song but then he realises something. The radio is connected to a wire that is on the wall of course! And if he pull it off the radio would stop playing, now why didn't he thought of that earlier? But in his defense, he haven't drink any coffee or energy drink. He dive underneath the table and went straight to the source of the radio.

While Jon is busy to get to the other side, Aviator unknowingly continue to sing along with Barry Marilow and was really in a heated moment despite the song is about two lovers getting separated.

"Her name is Lola, she was a showgirl
But that was thirty years ago, when they used to have a show
Now it's a disco, but not for Lo-"

Aviator stop singing as he start to notice that Barry Marilow is no longer singing with him. He looked at the radio and notice a wire at the back and follow it to see the end is in Jon's hand.

"Don't" was the only thing Jon said when they make eye contact. Now is Aviator's turn to let out a sigh "I guess I owed you an explanation?" Even Aviator sounds unsure of what he's saying "damn right you do, you came into my life and said hello and then you think you can just-" Jon flay his arms around "cause a ruckus in my apartment?"

Jon isn't wrong but the room is already a mess before Copacabana were played.

"Okay, okay I'll explain everything but you just need to sit down and chill out first. Ignore the mess, I'll fix those later too" now that sounds like a great deal to Jon, sit down on the sofa and the mess is getting clean by someone else "not sure if you remember but my name is Evan and I... unfortunately do not remember my last name" Evan stop floating and sat down across Jon and on the table. He put down the radio beside him and pulled out the cassette "as you already know, I'm a ghost. Crazy I know but yeah, I am one despite never really believe in these stuff" he toggle with the cassette tape and slowly put it down on the table too.

"What does anything about that. Have. To. Do. With. Me?" Jon said slowly, trying to figure out where Evan is going with this.

"See, this is where you came in" Evan float once again "you-you can see and hear me while everyone else cant" he grins widely again like he just solve the greatest mystery case ever. There was few minutes of silence so Evan peeked his eye open to see Jon but the said man didn't is staring blankly at him.

"Holy shit, what did Luke gave me? This is gotta be the wildest trip I ever have"

Evan immediately frown "no listen, what was your name again? Whatever listen, this is not some bad trip or anything that have to do with drugs. I am actually a ghost and I can prove it to you" but Jon is still not faze by what Evan is saying "name's Jon but fuckkkkk, I really gotta asked who's Luke's dealer"

Evan fumbling something out of his red jacket's pocket "look this is all the proof you need, if this is not enough. I can provide more in both online and in papers" the ghost lay out a half burned newspaper on the table "I need some help with online though because I'm not really sure about new technologies but Jon, please I really need your help"

Jon picked up the newspaper and read some of the unburn part of the paper. The headlines read 'rder, age 26, Asian-Canadian' Jon look up to him "didn't know you were Canadian?" "Just because I don't fit your average Canadian stereotype that doesn't mean Im not one, racist" Jon sputtering for a second "no! That's not what I meant, I was wondering why you don't have those usual Canadian accents you know? Like I got some relatives up there in Vancouver and" Evan slowly smile as he sees Jon trying to defend himself "they always says 'eh sorry aboot that' at the end of their sentence and they- you know what? Nevermind, fuck you" Jon look down at the paper again when he finally noticed Evan wasn't serious about the whole racist thing but most of the paper are too burned to make out any words but he does noticed "Evan" he mouthed the name.

"Yup, that's me" Evan said cheerfully "Evan... something that start with F"

"What do you want me to do with this? I don't get it, Aviator"

"It means you gotta help me solve my unfinished business so I can go to the afterlife, Blue Jacket"

Jon stop reading and look up at the Canadian again "Blue jacket?" He asked. Evan nodded without looking at him "you called me Aviator, it's only fair for me to call you something that have to do with your outfit"

"Fair enough" there was silence "still convinced that Im on drugs and everything is hallucinations"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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