Angels are but forms flowing within a universe with different rules. This universe, however, Is layered with our very own. Eyes glowing withing or on rings of gold. Wings sprouting from an indefinite point. Able to descend from the heavens. carrying the word of gods they ask;
"Do not fear us, child. For we bring news from your creator."
Yet we cower away, it is our nature to hide away from the strange and new. Not often enough one of us who is different stands up with arms open. Hands having upward palms I ask.
"What word have you brought? Is this the salvation so many seek in vain?"
Words flow from an unknown source. No mouth from where it may come, all one hears is echos and endless chimes. In my heart, I know the Earth is now deaf. Up to me, I strain to Desipher those words.
"No, Never may we bear truths such as salvation. Look within your peoples' youths for this. I come with but a morsel for thought."
This angel ring dies to a hum. I think back to the years I lay and listen so intently to an idle engine. As though the hum will speak. No words were found within the untuned rumble so my hoping heart tuned it out. Not again, I say. Words will come this time. Closer and closer I look, I listen, I hope. Closer until the cool feel of metal meets my organic form. Sharp like endless blades it opens my heart, my mind.
Once again I can no longer hear the hum nor ringing. Too much hope within me spoiled like old fruit. I am once again deaf and yet I hear the words.
"Humanity has repented for Eves sin. Be free, my children. Bare and Indulge in Eden's treasure."