His and His Only (Book One of the Dark Kings series)

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According to wolfen legend, there are four main gods. Two of the above-world and two of the Underworld. The pairs are life mates and rulers of their world. The gods grant a wolf the gift of shifting into a wolf. Their not born with the ability.

The rulers of the Above-world, Luna and Arisen Ceribrial, have three sons and one daughter. Their names listed bellow.

1- Amos

2- Adiana

3- Rainson

4- Taeos

Each born a half century apart to ensure there would be no rivalry.

The rulers of the Underworld, Isis and Phoenix Demitrial, had only five sons. Born one a decade apart.

Listed are their names bellow.

1- Argon

2- Eros

3- Talis

4- Deceit

5- Xaries

The eldest son, Argon, will take the throne when of the age of two centuries, in twenty years.

Legend says that Adiana of the above-world has always yearned for the love and adoration of the cruelest, unforgiving, vindictive son of Isis and Phoenix, Argon.

Yet the Handsome god never gave a thought to the blonde haired goddess of beauty and love. He often spoke of mating a dark haired beauty. So when Argon rejected the goddess she, in a fit of denial and rage, she went to his world. She sneaked into his bed chambers and with an acid laced dagger she cut his face. From his left eyebrow down his eyelid ending on his chin. The acid ate at his skin scarring it, horrified he locked himself in his chambers for a decade.

He thought none could love him because he was no longer handsome. He was scarred and worthless in his eyes. When he emerged his father threw him up into the earth to chose a mate. He had twenty years.


I clenched my teeth together. I was determined not to scream. I shook my head slowly as I mentally reached out to the Gods of the above world. The pain of their rejection felt like someone dumped fifty gallons of boiling hot oil onto my body. My skin was burning. I shivered, not from the cold but the pain of the invisible fire on my skin. I was told rejection from the gods hurt, but i didn't know that it would hurt like i was on fire.

I shed my clothes quickly and forced myself to move to the calm stream. I crawled into the cool water and laid down on the smooth stones of the stream bed. I let the water completely wash over my body. My brown hair flowed with the water, swimming around my head like a halo.The stream was about four feet deep, its notbig enough to be called a river so to me..it's a stream.

I held my breath as I tired not to cry. How could the gods I worshiped my entire life turn their backs on me. I prayed constantly to them, I didn't ask for anything in my prayers. I prayed for their love. That's it. That's all I wanted, to be loved.


I was born into a family of wolves. I was the baby of two children. My parents loved me and my brother so much. We were one of those picture perfect families. Dad worked as pack fighter. He was one of the best, great in wolf form, human combat, and excellent sharp shooter. Mom stayed home and cooked and cleaned.

My brother used to be the best big brother. He, only two years older then me, had always watched out for me. Whenever I cried he'd be there before my parents, he would hold me and whisper sweet things to me like Mom would. He used to always share his toys with me, and he'd even play barbies with me. I remember he couldn't ever make the clothes match on the barbies.

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