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I M P O R T A N T   I N F O R M A T I O N :

  This fanfiction is based on the Netflix movie  'The Kissing Booth', I watched and my mind immediately started thinking in a fanfiction and a whole story so I decided to make this version of it, it will have a lot of differences and only the 3 or 4 first chapters are similar to the movie, the rest is totally different. And also watch the original movie because it's really good.
   And once again, I will respectfully take this fanfiction down if superior entities tell me to do it.

S T O R Y :   Andy and Mikey are best friend since forever, Mikey is always there for him even in the hard times but what happens when Andy and Mikey's brother, Rye, start to get closer and suddenly some feelings get involved

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S T O R Y :
  Andy and Mikey are best friend since forever, Mikey is always there for him even in the hard times but what happens when Andy and Mikey's brother, Rye, start to get closer and suddenly some feelings get involved...

A B O U T  T H E  F A N F I C :

  This is a Fanfic as you know so all the similarities with real events, locals and moments are on purpose but it doesn't mean they are real.

  All the dialogues and the interactions between characters and the story itself is my authorship and all the ideas are mine so please from the bottom of my heart don't steal it, I spent months writing this one and would be bad if you steal my idea.

  Also, this fanfic will switch between Andy's and Rye's POV and sometimes a 3rd person POV but I'll put at the beginning of each chapter and I'll also warn you if it changes.

  Also, this fanfic will switch between Andy's and Rye's POV and sometimes a 3rd person POV but I'll put at the beginning of each chapter and I'll also warn you if it changes

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W A R N I N G S :

  This fanfic will contain strong language but not too strong don't worry, alcoholic drinks mentions and sex scenes between characters and the characters are boys so will be majorly gay sex but before this scenes I'll post a warning (like the one below) so you can skip the scene if you don't like it or read with a lot of attention if you have a dirty mind like me.

  This fanfic will contain strong language but not too strong don't worry, alcoholic drinks mentions and sex scenes between characters and the characters are boys so will be majorly gay sex but before this scenes I'll post a warning (like the one ...

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U P D A T E S :

   I'll try to update frequently like a new chapter every day but I'll also be posting this fanfic on my Fan Page on Instagram so sometimes I'll forget to post here or I'll be really lazy and not post just informing in case it happens and for you to not think that I'm dead or something like that. (Fanpage that I no longer use)

T H E  B A N D :

   The band I write about is Roadtrip, the band no longer exists but while it lasted and while I was a fan, I decided to write this so give it a look I guess.
   Also, their covers, vlogs and songs are still on media platforms so if you want to watch them go ahead, just search Roadtrip or RoadtripTV.

A B O U T  M E :

  This is not my first fanfic so if you want to read the previous ones they are also available here.

   I was 16 when I wrote this (I'm 17 now) and it's just one year but I grew a lot mentally so now my writing is really different and more mature so I'm sorry in advance. I'm just a girl from Portugal that loves writing and decided to write a fanfic about a band I used to love Roadtrip and likes writing.

   If you're interested you can also check my fanpage (@portugalroadies) on Instagram, I no longer use this account but if you want you can see how much of a fangirl I used to be.

  Also, English is not my 1st language so if you find errors or grammar mistakes inform me, please.

  So I hope you like this story because I enjoyed a lot writing this one and was really fun, this whole journey.

  If you like it please vote and comment and if you have any questions just ask.

  Thank you for opening this fanfic.

  Love you endlessly,
  Maria ❥

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