Time For Some Fun

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Melonie's mother had gone off to another witch's convention, leaving Mel at home with nothing to do.  She decided to look around in her mom's spell books, just to see.   As she looked through the dusty old books, one caught her eye.  She pulled it off of the shelf,  it was dusty and purple.  

She thumbed through the pages and found a spell that peaked her intrest.  Turn someone into a little kid...
She thought to herself.  She knew exactly what she was going to do whilst her mom was away. 

She grabbed the book and collected everything she'd need for the spell.  Melonie then grabbed her phone and called her friends; Elizabeth and Zenia. 

She invited them over for a sleepover since she was the only one home.  Although, a sleepover was not at all what she had planned for them.   They where going to be her ginuea pigs.  

Both Eliza and Zenia arrived at Melonie's house within the next 20 minutes.   Mel let them in and lead them to the living room. 

She realized that she needed to get them to wear the baby things before she made them small,  but she'd need to have a reason to force them into training pants.  She knew very well that they'ed refuse to do it of their own accord, so she becan concocting a plan. 

She had come up with an idea; she'd get them both to pee themselves so that she could have them wear the training pants, because they obviously couldn't control their bladders.   She knew it would work on Eliza.  All Mel had to do was keep her there and not leg her go to the bathroom.  But she didn't know how she'd get Zenia.  Then she remembered how Eliza had said that Zenia had freaked out at the haunted house.  

Melonie went back to her friends, who where sitting in the living room.  She quietly locked the door out and brought over lots of drinks for her unsuspecting friends.  She then put a horror movie into the dvd player.  

She waited for a long time, probably almost an hour, before she saw the first signs of deaperation creep onto Zenia's face.   Zenia started to stand up and Melonie grabbed her and pulled her back down. 
"It's almost at the best part of the movie." Mel said,  "You can't leave yet." 

Reluctently, Zenia sat back down.  She now had her hands between her legs and was having a hard time sitting still.   But Melonie wouldn't let her leave.   Suddenly, there was a jump scare in the movie and Zenia cried out. 

Melonie turned and looked at her in time to see her white pyjama pants turning slightly yellow in the crotch area and down her legs.   Mel pretended to be shocked.

"Zenia, did you-  did you just pee yourself?!"   She said with fake astonishment.  
Zenia responded with
"I-it was an accident! I swear i didn't mean to! I-" 

Melonie cut her off. "Well it doesn't really matter if it was an accident.  Now does it.  I don't have any clothes for you to wear.  All i have are these."  She got up and dug around in her medical closet before pulling out the pack of diapers they still had from when her younger sister needed them. 

Zenia just looked at her feet in shame.  Mel offered her one of the daipers and she took it.  It was better than wearing her wet clothes.    After she changed she sat awkwardly.  It wasn't comfertable,  but at least she didn't have to sit in her own pee. 

One down, one to go Melonie thought, turning her attention to Eliza.  Eliza was unphased by the movie,  but still looked like she needed to go.  She was better at hiding it than Zenia.   

After the movie was finished, Eliza got up, standing rather awkwardly.  She walked over to the door the best she could and tried opening it.  It was locked.   She panicked and tried pulling on it harder but, of course it didn't work.

"M-Mel, you're door's broken" she said, struggling to keep a steady voice.  "Oh no," Mel said in reaponce "here, let me try."  Melonie went to the door and pretended like she was trying to get it open.  

By this point, Eliza couldn't stand still and was practically in tears.  She kept making the whining sound that only werewolves could make.   She was extremely desperate, and Melonie was loving every bit of it.  

"I can't get it open" Melonie said with pretend defeat.  Eliza had fallen down to her knees and was trying very hard not to have an accident, but her deperation was clearly killing her. 

Melonie stood back and watched her struggle.  Eliza was crying now because she hurt so bad.   Melonie walked over to her and ran her fingers underneath her chin and around Eliza's collar bone in attempts to speed things up.  Eliza scratched at Melonie to get her to stop tickling, but it was too late.  

Eliza had wet herself.  She was wearing shorts, so there wasn't as much for it to soak into, so she ended up sitting in a moderately sized puddle, panting.  

"Now look,  you've gone and done it too." Melonie said.  She helped Eliza stand up and she gave her one of the daipers.  "Put that on."  She was trying to act stern, as if she was disappointed that they'd both wet themselves, but she was actually really excited. 

Melonie noticed how comfertable the diapers looked, and decided she would have to try one after she made Eliza and Zenia into kids. 

She got a towel and told Eliza to clean up her mess and then managed to unlock the door so she could get her spell book.   She came back into the room and quickly preformed the spell.   There was a flash of light and when it died down she was left with two little kids in rather oversized clothes.  

They where older than she expected, probably about 5 or 6.  She had been expecting.  She realized she had just wasted her time making them pee themselves.  

She went to the attic and dug around for her old clothes she had from when she was 6.  She went back downstairs and helped the both of them put on pyjamas, deciding to leave the diapers on since she had gone through such trouble of getting them onto them in the first place. 

She picked Eliza up and grabbed Zenia by the hand and took them tos her room.  She pulled an old twin sized matress from under her bed and used some chairs and her window seat to make a makeshift bed. 

She laid the small girls down and covered them up with blankets.  She left the room and turned the light off.  She was going to enjoy being a mom.

She went back to the living room to finish cleaning up Eliza's mess and after she was done,  she went and put the towel into the washer.    She was going to do a load of laundry anyways, and she did feel like she had to pee, so she went into the kitchen and put her phone up on a stand, pressed play and stood back far enough that her whole body was in the shot. 

She let go and felt the warm liquid running down her legs and soaking into her sky blue leggings.  When she was finished she dryed up the little spot that and formed by her feet and then went and got her phone before returning to the laundry room and putting the other towel in and then taking off her pants and her panties and sticking those in as well.   She turned on the washer and went to get clean clothes when she saw the diapers on the couch.  

Why the hell not. She thought as she put one on.  It was a little tight, but relatively comfortable.  She loved the way it crinkled when she moved.   She went and put on a clean pair of pants and then went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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