Casea School for Supes

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I gazed up at the school from the bus window. I didn't want to go here, not really. What I wanted to do was run away, anything to get away from my ex-mate.

What's so special about this school anyways? It just looks like a normal school to me. Except bigger, with dorms, and supernatural students and classes... Okay... maybe this school wasn't so normal.

The bus pulled up to the curb and dropped me off. I was the only one getting off here, probably because this school doesn't get many new students. After all, it is a supernatural school.

With my bags at my side, I walked up through the front gates and into the office building, where I would hopefully be getting a map because damn! This school is huge!

I sauntered over to the receptionist's desk, and cleared my throat. What? She was so engaged in whatever was on the computer screen she would never have noticed me otherwise.

"Hi, my names Abigail Hudson. I'm new here. I was hoping to get my schedule and dorm assignment?"

"Yes yes, they're in here somewhere... One moment please." The receptionist looked at me and smiled softly. "Ah yes, here it is! Dorm room 213. Here's a map of the school, your schedule, and your dorm assignment. I'll call in Damien to give you a tour of the campus and to show you to your room." She replied kindly.

"DAMIEN, COME GIVE OUR NEW STUDENT A TOUR!" She screeched in my ear, making me flinch back. Damn has that girl got some lungs!

"Hi, I'm Damien, your tour guide for everything Casea. What's your name?" He asked cheesily, taking the stairs down two at a time while watching the steps carefully so as not to fall.

When he looked up, it was as if the world stopped. His crystal blue eyes stared into mine, and he froze on the bottom step.

"Mate" He whispered softly, pulling me into a gut-renching hug.

I heard the receptionist squeal in delight. I mean, it is a pretty awesome thing when mates meet. But back to my point. I already had a mate! Surely I can't have another one?

"I'm sorry Damien, but I already have a mate back home. Even though he rejected me, I can't have two mates, right?" I whispered slowly, not really understanding all of this.

"Sweetie, my mate died a number of years ago. You're my second chance mate. The moon goddess decided that it wasn't fair to us, so she gave us another chance at happiness."

"Good, because my other mate was a jackass." I told him with a smirk playing on my lips.
He snatched up my bags with one arm and help my hand with the other. Smiling he said "Let's go."

"Congratulations!" The receptionist yelled at us from behind the closing door. We just looked into each other's eyes and grinned. We stayed like that for a few seconds, until someone cleared their throat from in front of us, startling us both out of our little staring contest.

"Well well, seems to me that Damien here has found himself a new mate!" Mystery dude proclaimed happily.

Damien pulled away from me and walked up to mystery man and gave him one of those weird guy hug things. What is with guys and those anyways? Do they not know how to hug?

"Yeah, it seems I have." Damien whispered softly in his ear, just loud enough for me to hear. Who was this guy anyways, and what was he doing hugging my mate?

Damien looked back at me and chuckled at my confused expression. "Abigail, this is my best friend, Seth. Seth, this is my second chance mate, Abigail."

"Please, call me Abby." I said shyly, not knowing what to do. I mean, is there a protocol for this kind of stuff? Sometimes, I think it would be nice to have.

Both of them chuckled at my shyness. I just growled at them both. Just because I was a little nervous doesn't mean it's okay to laugh at me!

"Alright, see you guys around. And don't worry Abby, we'll become best friends later, I just know it." Seth casually tossed over his shoulder as he turned and walked away.

"Well, let's get you to your dorm and get you unpacked." Damien once again snatched my hand and bags and led me towards the dorm rooms.

The walk to the dorms was quiet. Not an awkward quiet, but a nice peaceful quiet, like the kind you get when sitting in the middle of a meadow.

We stopped in front of my room. I laid my hand on the knob and twisted, opening the door to see a beautiful room bathed in splashes of violet.

The walls were all a light purple, while the comforter on the bed was a deeper shade. The window on the far side of the room overlooked a lake, and had a small balcony reaching outward. The sheer curtains were held off the window by a thin layer of lavender colored cloth, and a full sized mirror rested against the wall with a golden frame.

It was beautiful. And it was all mine. I let go of Damien's hand and twirled in the middle of the room, ending it by plopping into my bed like a starfish. I gazed up at the ceiling while Damien set my bags down next to the closed door and crawled onto the bed next to me. We lay still for a long time, just enjoying each other's company.


Yaaaaaay another chapter for you guys! Okay my thumbs hurt now that was a lot of typing. Aannyyyways happy thanksgiving if you celebrate it or happy nothing day if you don't! This chapter's my present to you all. So while I was writing this I had an idea. Well, I only can make a chapter good if I'm in the mood to write. So I was thinking, why not write a bunch of chapters while I'm in one of those moods and publish them occasionally so you guys don't lose interest in the story? Well that's what I'm going to do because let's face it, my ideas are brilliant.

Am I the only one who writes at like midnight? I don't know why i just write best late at night. Maybe because that's the only time my house is peaceful? I don't know. Oh well. Toodles!

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