Chapter 3

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Despite Harry's complaints, the morning had to come. Draco woke first, remembering instantly their predicament. He checked his watch which read 7:30, and debated whether to take Harry up or not.

Just after Draco had decided he might as well get some extra sleep, Harry yawned and sat up slowly. He didn't have his glasses, so he couldn't see very well. He saw a figure looking at him.

"Ron?" He said stupidly, and Draco grinned.
"Not quite 4 eyes."
Draco passed Harry his glasses and Harry put them on quickly. Once he saw Draco his eyes widened, letting out a small groan.

"It wasn't a bad dream after all..."
"Nope. And just to brighten your mood, now we need to figure out how to shower." Replied Draco grimly.

"Can't we wait until tonight?" Harry asked sleepily.
"No! Do you know how hard it is to keep my hair all nice? Well no obviously not. You couldn't care less about your hair."

Harry put a hand on his dark mess of hair and scowled at Draco, who tried to get up but was stopped by Harry.
"Fuck. Hurry up idiot!"
"Ugh. Fine."

"Do you wear robes on the weekend?" Harry asked, how he thought about it he never really saw Draco on weekends most of the time.
"Sometimes. Why?"
"Because I don't."
"Then I won't."

They picked out their clothes and considered how they were going to shower.
"Grey sweatpants and a red hoodie? Lady pleaser much." Scoffed Draco. Harry gave him a death stare.

"Got a problem? This is just casual. Just because I don't wear all black like you doesn't mean—"

"—Shut up. How are we doing to shower?" Draco cut in.
"Well since the shower is right next to the wall, one of us can stand in here, right up against the wall while the other showers?"

Draco was surprised how thought out that was, but he nodded in approval for the idea. They tried it and were able to stand in different rooms as long as they were close enough together.

Indeed, 20 minutes later they were on their way down to breakfast.
"Are the other Slytherins nice?" Harry asked despite himself. This was what he'd really been worrying about. Because not only did Draco need to get along with his friends, Harry needed to get along with Draco's.

"Pfft, They'll be nicer then me. Pansy's going to love you."
"Trust me. Us Slytherins are all very protective of each other. Once you talk to them, they're gonna welcome you like an old friend."

They arrived at the hall and revived looks from many students. It seemed the news had spread overnight, like any other secret supposed at Hogwarts. Draco lead Harry to the Slytherin table and they found seats.

Harry recognised many of the Slytherins around him. Including Pansy, Blaise, Goyle, Daphne, Millicent and Theodore. He noticed faintly the
absence of Crabbe.

"Oh Draco, how are you?" Asked Pansy quickly.
Draco shrugged and started to pile his plate, Harry expected he would get through this best without saying much, but it seemed Draco was right.

"What about you Harry? Finally we get to talk to you properly."
"Oh uh. It's annoying I suppose." Said Harry sheepishly. Pansy giggled.
"I heard you were awkward but you don't need to worry about talking to us. You're a Slytherin now!"

"Oh no that's ok..." Harry replied quickly. "I'm fine with being a Gryffindor."
"It wasn't a choice!" She cried happily. A couple other Slytherins were smirking and Draco was pretending he wasn't there.

"We're having a study session later today and you better be there biotch."

Millicent and Theodore who had been listening to the whole conversation snorted, Draco smirked into his food despite himself.
"Yes Pansy. We'll be there." Grinned Draco.
"What I never said—"
"— cool! I'll invite Ron and Hermione for you."

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