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Creator: PEOPLE WE HAVE AN ASK! *comes out of no where*
EAK: *goes demon* and *talks demon* WeRe DiD YoU CoMe FrOm?!
Blue: clam down honey!
Keith: *punch the creator*
Star: *jumps*
Zoey and joe: *cries*
Creator: eep! Sorry! And ow!
*after that*
Creator: t1r3d0f71f3 ask "would you rather drink bad mustard or bad milk
(Cant spell Xp)
EAK: *still demon but clam* MiLk
Blue: i guess milk
Keith: ew i guess milk
Star: mustared *everyone looks at her* what?
Zoey and joe: *point at milk*

Creator: milk and thats all go follow t1r3d0f71f3! Bye my LGBT+ demon fam!
And zoey and joe and EAK im sorry!

ask or dare EAK, blueberry sans,Ray,devil Papa and their kids!Where stories live. Discover now