The light to my Happiness

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Years and Years have passed
Many have forgotten their task
And many have forgotten what Christ did
So we could continue to live

With his sacrifice for us
To repent of our lust
He suffered and he died
And heard people telling lies

Every drop of tears
Means he always cared about us peers
He shed drops of blood
Dripping into the mud

With very many people mocking and cheering
Many good souls were also tearing
For he has fought and healed
To make all lives unpeel

Some still fight Satan power
But others keep stacking his power
I saw the light in my life
It never left knots tied

He has been there for me
Being my key
To open my heart
And to dodge Satan fiery darts

For he helped me find my true love
Who has made me more tough
With the evil spirits that are around us
Trying to get us to go after our own lust

The light in my life
I kept it close and tight
Never leaving it's side
But spreading word to others like a tide

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