Chapter 3

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Y/n's Pov

Y/n: where the faq am i?

???: you're inside of your mind


???: i'm you

Y/n: wait wuh?!

O.Y/n: your past, I am the past Y/n


O.Y/n: because in the past i lost someone dear to me, but she is back in that girl named K@$%a and there is a possibility that she might awaken

Y/n: ok that's sad, but how did you or i get riencarnated

O.Y/n: that's a question for another time and tell theresa the code Finite and she'll give you some stuff

Y/n: Wait but why?

O.Y/n: Sorry, but you are waking up and remember, DONT TRUST OTTO

Y/n: wait just tel-

Kiana's Pov

Kiana: who was that girl in my dreams.....meh probably just no one,  ...i think i should wake up the captain now

*goes to your room*

Kiana: Y/n wake up now

Y/n: .............*still asleep*

Kiana: *poking your face*


Kiana: .....*blushes*'aahhhhhh Y/n loves me aahhhhhhhhhh' ok calm down kiana calm down, just wake up the captain now, hmmm but how should i do it......hmmmmmm..... he is a hard sleeper...maybe a little kiss wouldn't hurt right?*goes a kiss to you*

*bronya taking pictures*

Bronya: The bronya has evidence that kiana is a pervert to onii-chan


*Bronya takes out a trumpet and blows it*

Kiana: fudge

Y/n: *wakes up* wah?! What's happpening? Kiana why are you in my room?!

Kiana: wake you up

Bronya: no kiana is being a pervert to onii-chan

Y/n: ...........the heck

Kiana: Don't listen to her captain

Bronya: The Bronya has proof *shows a picture*

Y/n: wait*takes the picture*........kiana why are you going to kiss me?

Kiana: *Runs away*

Y/n: oookkkaayyy

*Timeskip breakfast*

Mei: Capt-- i mean Y/n why is kiana red?

Y/n: cause she tried to kiss me earlier

Kiana: i did not do such thing

Y/n: *takes out pic and waves* then what is this?

Kiana: uuggghhhh..........

Mei: okay then, so Y/n how did you knew bronya?

Y/n: well....i was an agent of the anti-entropy before

Mei&Kiana: WHAT *gets their weapons*

Y/n: wait wait wait, i converted to your side now that theresa helped me

Mei: you should've have told us earlier*drops weapons* so go on and tell the story

Mine and Mine Alone (Male reader x Sirin) (Remaking)Where stories live. Discover now