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"Hey hey can you tell us about how you met your beloved again?!" The kids jumped up and down infront of Kokichi as he sighed, giving a tiny smile.
"Beloved.. ah Shuichi, he was a quite the mysterious one, y'know? Little old me even thought he was a girl at first, even though we never went to school! It might've been ridiculous to fall in love at first sight but he was special.."
"Special? How?" One asked

"Well you see he was extremely dense, he was a detective but stupid at any romantic feelings. It was frustrating to see that when I gave a lot of hints but still he didn't get it until I straight up... confessed,,"
"Wow.. still love sick?"
"Always! I still love him the same way in the past, he was there for me in every difficult situation.. if he was with another then, I wouldn't even be here. I didn't even deserve him but,, I-it was lucky, to have such an clingy, dense, adorably handsome, very smart,,"
"you're blushing again-"
"S-shush.. I know that, d-dont mention it,,.."
"Kids, it's dinner time! Come on, eat!" Was heard from the kitchen inside, growing so fast.. As the kids got up and leaves kokichi.

The once called Supreme leader, looking up at the night sky from the balcony.

"I wish you were still here alive, Saihara-chan..I really do miss you.."

he kissed the old wedding ring from his wrinkly and shaky finger as he felt something warm holding his hand..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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