The story begins in a city called nuclear city, where science and technology is very advanced. A scientist named Jake Pym, who studies animal lifestyle and behavior works in estate labs which deals in the production of high tech materials and also keeps wild animals that are socially unstable.
Unfortunately all the animals there are dehydrated and hungry. Jake Pym who loves animals designs a blueish serum which is meant to boost the physical attribute of an animals like speed, reflexes and so on. Elena Ringer a young lady who is in charge of all the affairs going on in estate labs finds out about the serum asks jake
Elena: Mr Jake Pym I heard about the serum you designed, are you sure it won’t cause any sort of damage to the animals or anyone around.
Jake: This serum will make these animals rely on themselves, it will make them have unusual abilities and boost so many things in them, I intend to lunch the serum in public tomorrow or next.
Elena: Will the serum cause any damage? Have you tested it yet?
Jake: I do not need a verification before I know that my project would work, you can say anything but don’t disregard my work young lady.
Elina: ………… ok as you wish.
The next day, doctor Jake starts putting the special serum’s into syringes, so as to test it on all the designated animals as he was doing this, young forensic scientist named Adam Mcgnis approaches and quietly asks him.
Adam: With all due respect doctor are you sure this project would be a success?
Jake: I was asked this same question yesterday, I do not want you or any one else questioning my skills, I designed this serum for the benefit of all not just the animals.
Adam: I just…….
Jake: Say nothing more and assist me.
Adam: Whatever you say.
After some minutes doctor Jake with the help of his assistant pours all the serum into a giant proton prototype and plugs it into a tachyon stabilizer. With everything ready, doctor Jake smiles in enlightenment. He then climbs the podium still smiling before a crowd of over a thousand who are cheering him up. Slowly he begins. (cloud gathering).
Jake: People of nuclear city, you all know me so I need no introductions, it is with great pride, that I have designed this specially equipped serum’s that would boost the attributes and abilities of any life form.
Crowd: chattering
Jake: Make no mistake these are not only for the animals and this won’t in any way harm anybody, infact I intend to redefine the law of nature, I also intend to bring the future to the present and make us live in a world where science and technology knows no bounds. Do not worry it has been tested.
Crowd: Cheering
Jake: lunch it.
Adam and the rest of the rest of the assistant goes to the stabilizer.
Adam: Here goes nothing.
As he turns on the switch, immediately the serum in the proton prototype starts to collide and becomes exposed to the turbulence of the earth atmosphere causing it to become heavily unstable. Immediately the crowd becomes frightened.
Jake: It’s ok people calm down, its just a minor issue.
Adam: Doctor, what do we do. The radiation in the serum are becoming heavily unstable.
Jake: (shouts) turn it off turn it off.
Adam attempts to turn it off, but the stabilizer immediately blows up, causing the serum to form a turbo energy with molecular particles that eventually transforms into gamma rays and wipes out almost the entire population of nuclear city. ( an atomic explosion).
The Blur
Science FictionThe series follows the story of Adam Mcgnis, as he gradually unlocks his full potential as the pulsating speedster who must save his city....... The Blur