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Sans is a human hunter, who will do anything to protect his younger brother, papyrus. Sans is a 21-year-old magical skeleton who is immensely powerful (but he tries to hide the fact that he is). His magic is a pinkish purple while papyrus’s magic is a greyish blue. Papyrus on the other hand is 18. Papyrus is not as strong as sans but is almost as powerful as Undyne the undying. Undyne is the king's personal guard while papyrus is the captain of the royal guard. Papyrus tries his best to keep all the monsters of the Underground safe, while executing the ones who piss him off. Alphys is the royal scientist who once worked by Dr. WD Gaster’s side. When Sans was younger, he also was a scientist who was the Dr’s apprentice (mostly because he is Gaster’s son, along with papyrus). They kept what they were working on a secret. Dr. Gaster and Sans were working on ways to free the monsters from the underground. Gaster was determined to let his dear sons see the surface. He knew that stars always fascinated sans. Ever since he was little, sans dreamed of traveling to space. And as he got older, he wanted to travel through space and time. Sans and Gaster were not only working on finding a way to free all the monsters, but they were also working on a machine. This machine was not just any machine, but one that allows you to travel to any alternate universe you please to see. But the one thing that sans would not let the machine to do was allow you to travel back in time in that exact timeline. He knew that if you do, it will destroy the entire timeline and rebuild it. Or in other words, reset it. This is the story of what happened to opaltale sans when he was 15:
One day, Dr. WD Gaster and Sans finished the machine. Gaster said he would test it out. “If the machine breaks down and I get stuck in, you must protect yourself and papyrus. I’ll find a way to come back.” Gaster said to his son. “don’t worry, I’ll make sure you don’t get stuck.” sans said to his father. Gaster knew that this was going to be the last time he would see his son. He was going to the void, where he could protect sans and papyrus in all the pacifist timelines.  Sans started up the machine and Gaster walked into it. He gave his son one last smile and closed himself into it. Then the machine started to multifunction.  Sans tried to turn it off, but it was too late. It started to whir extremely fast. then, out of nowhere, it exploded. Sans got slammed into the wall from the power of the machine.his glasses viciously flung off of his skull due to his head hitting the wall. Pieces of metal slashed sans across his right eye. He tried to block the rest of the flying pieces from hitting his face by putting his arms in a X formation. Shielding his chest and face. Luckily, the explosion was not that big, so the lab was safe, for now. The machine was on fire, but the emergency sprinkler system slowly began to put it out. Sans struggled but managed to get up. Holding his left arm, he limped to a nearby desk and held himself up on it. “Dad...” he whispered. He began to whimper, for his dad, the man he worked with to conduct scientific experiments, was gone. He then thought of papyrus and began to worry. He was still in the house. Was he safe? The laboratory that he and his father worked in was beneath the house and can only be accessed from the outdoors. Sans then felt a wave of relief because the explosion did not damage the house. He stumbled out of that room and found the first aid kit. Luckily, Dr. Gaster had taught Sans all about first aid and how to wrap wounds. He grabbed the kit and brought it over to the desk. He sat down on top of it and laid the first aid kit next to him and opened it. He looked at his forearms and had a chill. He had never seen so much marrow on his bones before. Sans cleaned his arms with an alcohol pad and winced at the pain. But it was not anything compared to the pain he was feeling in his eye. He cleaned around his socket then put a patch on it. He then cut his left pant leg with scissors and wrapped his whole leg. There were huge cuts all over it. There was a huge cut going all the way from his ankle, to his knee. There was bone marrow all over his ripped lab coat, pants, and shirt. He then sat there on the desk, squeezing his hands into fists. The pain was excruciating. He shook it off and slowly tried to walk to the exit. He tripped and fell. He then had a vision of what seemed to be...a human? But, it can’t be. He doesn’t even know what one looks like. But that was not a monster. Well, not one that he had ever seen before. But why was it so small? It was a child. They had something in its hand. The human child bared a knife. He then watched as the child approached a tall skeleton. This skeleton was wearing a dark purple long sleeve shirt with silver trimming along the neck piece and the bottom of it. He had silver cuffs that went to his knuckles from his forearm. His Persian blue ecto body was summoned. A silver wrapping was going from the top of his waist to the center of his pelvis, where it connected to a belt on his tan pants. His boots were like one of those that a royal guardsman would wear. But he would have had armor on if he was a guard. On the side of his left arm, there was a patch, one that the captain of the guard would wear. So, this skeleton was the captain of the royal guard. He also had a bone dagger in both of his hands. The child came to a stop about 10 feet away from the captain. “I will not allow you to kill any more innocent monsters! “The tall skeleton yelled with rage. Sans could not clearly see his face but thought that his voice sounded a bit familiar. The kid then glared at the floor and giggled. That giggle soon turned into a menacing laugh. “Oh papyrus. Do you really think that I care if they are innocent or not? A monster a monster. No matter what.” What...  the child then jumped at who they called papyrus, about to strike him with their knife. Papyrus saw what was coming and quickly blocked the attack with his dagger.Right as the two weapons clashed together, sans snapped out of the vision. “What the hell was that?! Papyrus?! Wha- he was all grown up! h-how? I need to go check on him!” Sans then quickly got up and tried to ignore the pain. He was full of determination. He then ran as fast as he could out the door and around to the front of the house. “PAPYRUS!” He screamed as soon as he opened the door. “yes brother? Is anything wrong-GOODNESS, SANS! ARE YOU OK?” papyrus was in the kitchen looking for something to make then got startled and worried when he saw sans like  that. Sans then ran to papyrus and gave him a huge hug. He was so happy to see that papyrus was ok. *sniff*” sans are you ok?” papyrus wept at the sight of sans. Sans looked at his younger brother. He would go insane if anything were to happen to him. From now on, he swore to himself that he will protect papyrus, no matter the cost. Sans gently cupped his hands around papyrus’ face and wiped away his tears. “would you like to help me with these?” he was motioning to his wounds,” I need someone as smart as you to assist me.” Papyrus’ face then lit up with joy. ''of course, I will! I know that no one in the underground is as smart and talented as your amazing brother!” sans smiled and brought papyrus to the bathroom and taught him how to thoroughly clean and wrap wounds. He had to get the wraps redone because he was rushing to get out of the lab when he did them. When they were done, papyrus said to sans,” You are so incredibly lucky to have such an amazingly helpful brother, sans! Now where is our father? He should be back here by now to make dinner.” Sans then quickly thought of a good answer.” don’t worry, he went on a vacation. He won’t be coming back for a while. He said he wanted to say bye to you, but he wouldn’t leave if he saw your cute little face. I'll tell you what, today let’s make some sandwiches!” papyrus looked kind of down, but still kept a smile on his face.” Oh. It’s not surprising that my adorable face would make him stay. Now, let's go! Those sandwiches won’t just make themselves!” papyrus then ran out of the room. “I’ll be there in a second. Go ahead and get the ingredients out.” Sans yelled to papyrus. He needed a second to collect his thoughts. He put his hand on his head and stayed like that for a second. He then got up and walked into his room. He closed the door and sat on his bed. A random electric feeling then struck him right in the chest. He was shocked by this sudden feeling. He then summoned his soul to see what was going on, but what he saw was surprising. His hp bar was no longer at 20, but at 9. “what the hell is wrong with me!?” sans tried to think of what could have caused this and concluded that it was due to the explosion. The radiation that was trapped inside of the machine busted out and must have messed with sans’ soul. Sans sighed and put his soul back in. He stood up and took off his lab coat. He carefully folded it and gently put it in his drawer. He then stripped off his clothes, put them in his laundry basket, and put a fresh pair of clothes on. He knew that papyrus was probably waiting for him, so he went downstairs and helped him with the sandwiches. 
All this happened when sans was 15, and papyrus was 12. The skelebros changed tremendously after that day. Sans became part of the royal guard for 4 years and after 4 years of training, papyrus became the captain of the royal guard. Sans was active most of the time but slept a lot as well. He also went to Grillbys to enjoy a nice bottle of mayonnaise, and sometimes, also some spicy chicken wings. sans is always at guarding stations, looking out for a human, or setting up traps in the woods. After papyrus changed his appearance and personality to what sans saw in his vision, he stays vigilant and cautious of humans. Sans has caught and slaughtered about 2 humans that fell into the underground so far. Sans is very skilled when it comes to fighting. He is a great fighter because his dad studied his power and helped him learn to control it, and he was trained because he was a part of the royal guard for 4 years. (he also taught himself a lot of tricks). Sans is known to be ruthless when it comes to protecting his brother, and defeating humans. Sans and papyrus both always have their ecto body summoned because they fit better in clothes that way. But sans mostly keeps his body summoned because he doesn’t want to relive the feeling of his bones getting cut. He wears wraps on his arms because the scars from the explosion remain on his ecto body as well as his bones. The scars on his legs on the other hand are barely visible. You can only see them on his bones. Sans does still study quantum physics and was able to repair the machine. He needs it to bring back Gaster, but he gave up on that because it required something quite rare, a single human soul full of determination. Without it, he couldn’t bring Dr. WD Gaster back. Sans never was able to find out where Gaster was. But one weird weird thing that happened when the machine exploded was that sans absorbed the power of the machine, so now he has the ability to teleport around the underground and to other AU’s. Sans could never figure out how to restore his HP. But he does know how he can raise it a little over its max. he can do it by sleeping. He does get tired out very easily and takes random naps everywhere. He can only raise his hp to 12hp. Another way he can raise it over is by combining his soul with another monster. But he knows that that would take pieces of their soul and transfer it to his, and that could possibly kill them. The only monster that knows that sans has only 9HP is papyrus, so he is always taking care of sans and makes sure that he doesn't get hurt. But even though sans only has one HP, Papyrus still allows him to work at guarding booths. Sans always wanted to keep papyrus safe, but he knew that he would not always be around, so he made papyrus train with undyne when he was still young. Sans would always secretly watch them so that he could make sure that undyne was being nice to him, but she was always caring and encouraging to papyrus. Sans does talk to undyne sometimes about how advanced papyrus is at his magic. He is one of the strongest monsters in the underground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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