you said

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you said you was over her but i sit back listening you talking about her i smile and laugh about the jokes you told me you and her laugh and i push back the pain just because i like to see you smile but i don't know how much more i can push back just to keep you happy. you say there is nothing going on but you delete the messages telling me she is "just a friend" but if she is then why do i feel this way. you say all of this but i can see past it, i can see you still feel for her. cause if you didn't then you wouldn't be hiding her messages and thinking about her. i am at war with myself  telling myself you love me and not her but then i see how beautiful she is and i can't help that i compare myself to her cause she is so much more then what i would ever be. am i more beautiful then her? do you really love me the the way you say you do? am i all you ever wanted? is she really just a friend? can i trust you? i wanna scream and have you chose but then what kind of person would that make me? but what kills me more is i don't wanna know if you would chose her over me. because your all i ever wanted but i have no clue if i am all you ever wanted. i can't help besides obsess over all this cause i feel like i am competing with a girl that your not even with that you say you hate. but yet if you hate her why is she your friend? i am so sorry i am even doubting you but most of all i am sorry i am doubting your love when you hold me and tell me i am all you want but i guess i am afraid i am gonna lose the best i ever had. honey i am so sorry and i hate myself for this but you said you love me but is it really true?    

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