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What does Midoriya think of you?

Aries:"They are very strong and remind me of Kacchan a bit but I would really like to get to know them so I can record their quirk in my notebook!"

Taurus:"They seem like a person that would completely fit in in the bakusquad but hang out with the others instead."

Gemini"To be honest I dont think we are even alike or have one thing in common they are the title opposite and can see why Kacchan like likes them."

Cancer:"Were best friends and we are quite similar like we are twins and when they introduces themselves to me on the first day I could see why I knew we were supposed to be friends."

Leo:"They are like a second Aoyama they are bold and nevertheless afraid to rise up to a challenge and that's why I think Kiri-kun quite admires them but from afar."

Virgo:"They are smart and intelligent and they always seem to never give up I feel like we could get to know each other a bit better we could be unstoppable together!"

Libra:"They are quite tall but not that tall and Todoroki-kun has always been hanging out with them with any chance he can get and I don't think they are getting the hints!"

Scorpio:"There personality is like tokoyamis dark and secretive but most of the time they like to tell others amazing story's and how their quirk works they are just amazing!"

Sagittarius:"W-w-w-well i-i a-a-adm-mire t-their t-talent and a-abilities to help s-someone! B-but they aare s-so scary!"(Denki:Midoriya they wont hurt you..)

Capricorn:"They are rich like momo but always hang out with people even though there parents want them to hangout with other kids that are rich!"

Aquarius:"They always get misjudged for being the badguy when really they are sweet kind and have and ability to become the number 1 hero!"

Pisces:"They always get adored and I get why because they are brave and adorable but that's what everyone in class 1- A says!"

Pisces:"They always get adored and I get why because they are brave and adorable but that's what everyone in class 1- A says!"

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