Me hello klance
Keith who the hell are you??
Lance hi lady
Me your owner
Keith No one owns me!!!
Me suree
Lance calm down
Keith blushes a bit wwwhatever
Me aw so cute lovebirds
Keith whatever 🙄
Me haha
Lance anyway why are we here?
Keoth yea why the hell are we here?
Lance keith!!!
Keith ok ok fine just tell us already
Me well we are going to do two parts of you guys answering questions first part which is this one I'll be asking you guys questions second part peploe will comment and ask you questions
Lance sounds fun ans simple sharpshooter is in
Keith i don't have a choice do i?
Lance no keithboi
Me nope
KeithUgh fine and dont call me that!! I hate it
Lance suree you do😂
Me ok ok lovebirds we have to start the first question
Lance alright
Keith um sure
Me alright lance are you in love with keith😜🥰😉
Lance nope nope and nope!!!!
Me ya sure🤭🤗😈
Keith lance does not love him you're nuts😡
Me if you guys don't answer then I'll make shiro slap you 🤭😎
Lance no pleaseee he slaps so hard have mercy
Keith yea please don't i got a mark from him and his hand is hard
Lance yep 😰😨🤐😢😡
Me just tell him lance and shiro won't slap any of you
Lance ugh fine yes fine I've loved you since the frist day at the garrison i thought you were helpful hot and cute and i love🥰🥰🥰😍😂🤣😜🤗😊😕
Keith wow i don't know what to say
Me dont say anything all will be revealed in this next question 😜🤔😉🤭
Lance oh yes🤗
Keith oh no!!!😡
Me ohhhh yessss so keith you love sharpshooter😀😛😉😜
Keith blushes nnno
Lance just tell us keithy boi do you want to get slaped by shiro?
Keith ugh ok fine
Me yayyy klance foreva😊😊😊
Lance so what now
Me time for more klance questions
Keith fine
Lance okieee
Me arlight did you guys have a bonding moment? 😉
Lance nope don't remember it
Keith we cradled each other lance!!😡
Me yea ya did klance😚
Lance ugh sure whatever
Me okay one last question do you guys think y'all date😉😊
Lance I'd love to date keithy boi
Keith ugh i hate you being annoying
But I'd want to be your Boyfriend
Me ok we're done lovebirds guys comment some questions for keith and lance bye🤗

ask klance part 1
Romanceso guys I'm going to ask the questions to keith and lance frist then the second part you guys can comment you can ask smut questions and keith and lance will answer or at least lance🤗😂