1: Kacchan?

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Izuku woke up late that morning, did his routine that was recommended by his therapist, grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch with some Netflix. Everyday seemed to be getting harder and harder. He looked at the pictures that hung on his living room wall and sighed. His partner and secret lover Bakugou was dead and wasn't coming back. His eyes welled tears for the billionth time.

How could this have happened? He thought darkly. The events of the gruesome scene replayed in his head on loop. He choked on a sob and took a deep breath, trying to regain some composure. He wiped his eyes roughly and let out an angry sigh. He hadn't been on social media in days because of what happened, the internet had been raging over Bakugou's death.

The doorbell rang abruptly and he wiped his face aggressively. He didn't want anyone to see him red faced and teary eyed. He stood up and looked out the peep hole of his door. There wasn't anyone out there. He slowly opened the door and looked around to see a giant refrigerator sized box on his doorstep.

He read the tag that said the name of a technology agency. He wondered what they were sending him now. A gadget that he's meant to try out and give feedback on? He dragged the gigantic box into the house, it was so heavy it made him sweat a little.

He grabbed a box cutter from the kitchen and began cutting the seal and pulling out huge pieces of styrofoam.

There was a note on the inside. He opened up.

I promised I'd always be by your side. Hopefully this gift isn't too weird for you, but I know how much me dying would effect you so I had this planned if I ever did. So stop crying, nerd. I love you. - Kacchan

Izuku covered his mouth in shock, tears welled in his eyes as his fingertips glided over Bakugou's hand writing.

He tore open the rest of the packaging and gasped. There was man inside. Was it a man? His head hung down and his body was in a slouched standing position. It looked exactly like Bakugou...

Izuku didn't know what to do with himself. He stood in silence just staring at the figure that towered above him. The spiky blonde hair was too familiar, the pale skin, the pink lips, all of it was exactly like Bakugou.

Izuku reached up slowly and poked its chest. There was a pause and then it's head shot up, a red light beamed from its eyes. Izuku stumbled back in surprise and fell on his ass. The light scanned him up and down and then beeped.

"Izuku Midoriya..." a voice said in a gruff tone. The green haired boy couldn't take his eyes off the creature in front of him. "I'm K18, also known as Katsuki or Kacchan. I was created by an agency based off a request of your late partner Mr. Bakugou." Izuku didn't know what to say, he couldn't move. "Mr. Bakugou's consciousness and DNA was uploaded to my hard drive and incorporated in my build. Unfortunately, his memories and knowledge are blurry, I'm having difficulty accessing them."

"What are you?" Izuku asked softly.

"I'm an Android, specially designed for you. I'm not a robot but I'm also not human." The blonde stepped out of the cardboard box and little pieces of styrofoam followed. "Oh- it appears I'm naked, my apologies."

Izuku stood up and averted his gaze from the Android. So, Bakugou has made this for him... A companion if he were to ever die.

"Um let's get you some clothes." Izuku made his way to his and the Bakugou's room. He went to Bakugou's dresser for the first time in weeks and pulled out some clothes. It still smelled like him. He pressed the t shirt up to his nose and breathed deeply, inhaling his past lovers scent.

"I can mimic the smell of him if you wanted." Kacchan explained coming up behind the small boy. He gently took the clothes from Izuku and put them on. What looked to be pores on his skin opened up, closed and beeped. "There, all done." He gave a sympathetic smile down to Izuku. The green haired boy was still in disbelief that there's a perfect replica of Bakugou standing in front of him.

He touched Kacchan's muscular forearm gently and trailed his fingers over the skin. It felt so real.

Kacchan watched intently, reading all of Izuku's motions. The Android knew that this boy was in a deep state of depression, he noticed it when he read the boy's vitals, he had a sense of passion and duty to make this boy happy again. Maybe it was Bakugou's consciousness making him feel this way, but it didn't matter. He was Izuku's mission now and he would stick around till he wasn't wanted anymore.

"What shall I call you?" Kacchan asked startling Izuku out of his trance. "I have a list of pet names."

"Oh- uh- Izuku or Deku is fine." The green haired boy retracted his hand and shifted his gaze.

"Alright, Deku. Anything you'd like me to do?" Kacchan's voice was so gruff just like Bakugou's, it was sexy, intimidating but also had a sense of softness to it.

"I'm just relaxing today I think, nothing really needs to be done."

"Oh, I see. Well we could cuddle. Cuddling has proven very effective to people in states of depression." The bigger boy smiled softly and clasped his hands together. He still wasn't sure if he should touch Izuku yet, he hadn't received permission.

"I guess we could..." Izuku blushed a bit. This was weird. Everything about this was weird. He didn't know how to act around Kacchan. He walked out of the room with Kacchan following close behind him and he sat down on the couch.

"Is it okay if I touch you, Deku?" Kacchan asked quietly. The green haired boy nodded and the blonde sat down. He scooped Izuku up in his arms and cradled him gently. The green haired boy squeaked in surprise and his face flushed red.

"What're you doing?" Izuku asked embarrassed.

"I'm cradling you. Obviously. I calculated that it's the best position for you."

"When did you do that?!" Izuku asked amazed.

"I have access to the internet and Bakugou's archives. I can read your vitals and body language in mere seconds." The blonde explained and left a small gentle kiss on Izuku's forehead.

The green haired boy was speechless, what kind of situation is this?!


[ to be continued ]

[ to be continued ]

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