Chapter 38 - Transformation

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His heart was pumping frantically, violent images were flashing before his eyes as his body was so warm and painful. He hears V screaming.


Seokjin jolts up, beads of sweat drenched his forehead, his back was soaked in his sweat as he breathed heavily. His hands going everywhere as his eyes sting from the brightness of the light behind his thin cream curtain.

"Shh.. shh.. baby, it's okay." a calming deep voice melts his anxiety.

Seokjin's eyes widen seeing a vision of V slowly clear up sitting beside him on his bed, V's hands went to his face calming him down, wiping off his sweat with a small towel, worry in his eyes. Seokjin swiftly looked around, they were in his room at the cottages.

Was it all a dream? Seokjin grabbed Taehyung's body and hugged him, inhaling deeply, nuzzling his face in Taehyung's chest.

"Shh.. shh.." V continued, leaving a kiss on the top of Seokjin's head, hugging him.

"I thought.. " Seokjin murmured, he couldn't seem to continue his sentence because he doesn't know exactly what happened. They were on their date, right? Then the alphas intruded.. right? Or did he somehow fall asleep and it was all just a nightmare? It couldn't be, it was all too vivid to be a dream.

Seokjin parted from hugging V and quickly looked at the time, it was 1:02 in the afternoon. He gasped.

"Did they hurt you?? What happened??" he asks V, trying to check V if had any bruises, pulling on his arm and inspecting a small scratch there and sniffing it. He turned V, pulling up his shirt and trying to see If there were any wounds, sniffing him. V had a look of awe in his face staring at Seokjin.

"Y-you don't remember?" He asks moving closer to him.

"I remember the alphas attacking us, and then.. " Seokjin frowns, tears starting to pool in his angry eyes. His fingers curled into his hands forming into fists as he started shaking.

"Baby.." Taehyung says rubbing his warm hands on Seokjin's.

"I'm sorry. I'm so useless. D-did they.." He couldn't ask what he wanted to ask. Did they rape his boyfriend? His knuckles were white with the anger he felt inside. He couldn't look at V. He felt like such a useless boyfriend not being able to defend his love. Did he just fucking let those bastards get their way with V as he laid there unconscious? It felt like a knife stabbed his heart a million times with the thought. He didn't deserve to be V's boyfriend. He was so mad at himself that he didn't notice tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry."

"Hey.. " Taehyung hugged him. "They weren't able to do what you think they did to me.. or you.. for that matter."

Seokjin felt like he was pulled up from below the water, no longer drowning in his dark thoughts. "What?" He sighed in relief looking into Taehyung's deep brown eyes.

"Y-yeah.. We're okay.. I c-can't say the same for them though.." a small strained smile graced V's lips, eyes showing a little twinkle looking at him.

It made Seokjin's chest warm. But "What happened?", he still wanted to know.

"Uhm, you .. uhh.. you kinda woke up and scared them away. So.. yeah.." V answers sort of dismissively looking at Seokjin's chest and his arms then back up at his face. "I don't know why you don't remember. Maybe you're just.. tired.. It will come back to you." he says as his hand slowly intertwined with Seokjin's.

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