𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 3

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It's almost 8. Ever since I got back to my dorm at like 5, I've been trying to find the perfect outfit. Grace and Gwace are throwing every single clothing item they own at me. Matthew is the one who keeps saying no. He doesn't think anything they're showing him is good enough. Mia would be helping but she had another orthodontist appointment. Finally I hear Matthew say something that gets my attention,
"That's it. It's perfect."
I look up to see that they're holding a blue overall dress with a long sleeve black shirt. Matthew runs to my closet and pulls out my Vans. The outfit looks really cute. I take it and try it on, as soon as I step out of the bathroom I hear Grace say,
"Omg you look so pretty!"
Then Gwace says,
"Abby you're literally baby!"
And of course Matthew gives his opinion,
"I knew that would look good on you, I'm a genius."
I hear a knock on the door and realize it's exactly 8. I hurry up and check myself in the mirror. I guess this is as good as it's going to get. I open the door and the first and only word Shoma says is,
I smile and he takes my hand. We wave bye to my friends and he takes the lead to where he's taking me.

We arrive at this really beautiful restaurant. There's lights everywhere and the music radiates good vibes. I dig this place. We get seated and I notice Shoma is just staring at me.
"Wow, this place is amazing!"
"Not as amazing as you Abby."
I start to blush.
"You're so cute when you do that. Your little smile and then how your face gets so pink. You're so precious Abby."
I cant help but blush again.
"Shoma you're so sweet. The past two days with you have been the best. I really like you and I hope that you feel the same."
"Of course I do Abby. You're such a beautiful girl and you're so funny. I don't think anyone has made me laugh this much."
We finish our meals and he takes me to a park nearby. We start going for a walk, tlaking about our pasts, and what we want our futures to be. When I tell him that in the future I want to do something in the fashion field, he looks into my eyes as says,
"Abby, I want you to be my future."
Shoma is so sweet. I give him a hug and I've never felt so happy in someone's arms. We're hugging when all of a sudden some chick starts screaming Shomas name.

We stop hugging and I look over. There's this girl stomping over our way. She looks like one of those girls who think they're everything. Who think they're better than everyone.
"Shoma, who is this girl you're with. You're supposed to be with me
"Helga I told you we were over. Can you stop following me around?"
She looks at me and looks me up and down,
"You think you're so pretty don't you? Let me guess he took you to the top of a roof and you looked at the stars with little fairy lights around. Then he took you to this restaurant with a walk in the park after. Been there, done that."
I looked at Shoma in shock. He took me to the same places he took this girl. I realize me and Shoma had been holding hands and I pull mine away. I look at him with hurt in my eyes. And I start to walk away. Shoma tuns after me,
"Abby wait. She's just trying to get into your head. I really like you. And just because I took you to the same place as her, that means nothing. She means nothing. I just like going to those places so I took you because I want to share my favorite things with you. Please trust me. You have to. I really like you Abby."
I look at him and I walk away. I get into an Uber and as I'm driving away I see his face, sad and it looks like he's about to cry. But he took me to the same places as this girl, Helga. Who's to say that he wasn't gonna take me the same distance as her and then drop me to take some other girl out. Did he really like me? Or was he just looking for attention from someone who was gullible. I just want to get back to my dorm and take a shower for an hour and cry. I cant believe Shoma thought I was just like all the other girls he's gone out with. It really hurts. I wonder if he actually likes me like he said.

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