On The First Day Of Christmas :)

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On one cold night

Courtney's POV

I was walking back home to my family and i saw this guy. He was beautiful and i didnt know if i should say hi?Then wait!!

He looked at me and said ''hello there''. In my head i was going crazy .What should i say. So then , i said hello back.

He asked me ''what my name is''. I said Courtney. He said ''My name is Jc''.


Wow , she is beautiful. Maybe i should ask for her number. Maybe i should ask her if u wanna chill today.

Christmas is Almost here! I have to ask her wanna chill and go out for a dinner together. So , then i ask her ''Wanna go get something to eat?"

Courtney's POV

i was so exicted! i couldn't say no he is so beautiful.I heard that he was dating Lia,but maybe they broke up.


Yay , she said yes.Christmas was almost here and i can get her something.I know she would like that!I have to take her somewhere nice.I told her i would pick her up at 8:00p.m.

Courtney POV

So ,I guess he is picking me up at 8:00.I'm a little nervous where his gonna bring me. I thought i should tell my best friend erin about it and what should i do.

Erin's POV (courtney's bff)

So,Courtney text me about this kid at our school name Jc.I'm postive that he is still dating Lia , but she doesn't know that.Maybe they aren't so i don't wanna start anything.Maybe Courtney and Jc may go out! Well , what if Jc was actually dating Lia and he and courtney go out.Maybe i should just tell her.Wait , I cant because i hate making her feel sad or bad.

Courtney's POV

When i was texting erin she was acting different.Maybe she likes him.Wait,know she likes Michael from 5 Seconds Of Summer.They are dating! She likes him a lot.They are actually cute together!


Courtney's POV

I wen't in the shower.My favorite shampoo is Strawberry Shortcake! I got out the shower and put a beautiful blue ocean color dress.I was still nervous and didnt know if i should go because i heard he may be dating Lia still.So , i texted my another best friend Abby.I knew abby could help me out because she has boyfriend name Luke.Luke is also in 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Abby's POV (courtney's 2 bff)

So,courtney texted me about the Jc thing she told erin so i already knew about it.I told her that she should see how it goes!

Courtney's POV

So , abby told me i should see how it goes.so, i started to do my makeup.It was almost time to go.I had to go fast with my hair.For my hair , I first dryed it.Then,I curled it becasue i like my hair curled more then flatend.My mom told me be careful and anything that happens text her.I'm trying to be the nice i could be to my mom because she got me the IPhone 6 for my birthday last year.

Heey guys! I hope you guys like my first chapter of ''On The First Day Of Christmas.The next chapter will probably be next week!! Hope you enojy!

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