Chapter Five

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* This chapter is very filler in a way. Lot of deep talks and revelations. Enjoy (: *

I was getting my mic set up for this interview that was taking place in my place oddly enough. I guess Joe likes pulling up to the people instead of the other way around, hence the interview title 'Pull Up.'

"I'm so fucking done." I looked up when Asia rounded the corner, her eyebrows furrowed and fist clenched at her sides. "I fucking hate..."

"What's up?" I asked with a frown at her genuine distraught looking face.

"Connor just.." I titled my head when she looked around at the camera crew, her head shaking. "Never mind." She clenched her jaw before storming off to her room.

"Is it good?" I asked the assistant and once she nodded, I followed after Asia. I knocked twice on her door before pushing it open and instantly catching her in her anger.

She was ripping pictures left and right, then throwing them into the trash can. "What'd he do?" I asked softly. Her head raised and I saw the slight quiver of her lips. "Asahi what.."

"He cheated on me." My eyes widened when she kicked the mini trash can over and grabbed a stuffed animal off of her dresser before trying to rip its head off. "I hate him so much he knows it's hard for me and he still fucking- ugh!"

I stepped forward slowly, my mind completely wiped of what I should do in this situation. It was different than dealing with Kai if he got cheated on. We'd just get drunk as fuck, play 2K, then slash the dudes tires. What could I do for her? She was a lot more sensitive than Kai..

I felt my phone buzz and I got a text from Jhené, telling me she was pulling up. I quickly asked her to come to Asia's room before I pocketed my phone and took another step forward.

"Asia um," Why was my mind so blank right now?? "It'll get better, It won't be immediately but you'll um.." I heard her chuckle softly, head shaking.

"You really suck at talking sometimes." I shrugged and sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to me. "I just don't get it. What did I do?"

"Nothing Asia, you can't blame yourself for his actions, okay?" She simply sighed as I bounced my leg, trying to find a way to help her. "When.. Jhené cheated on me.." Her head shot up in shock, knowing I hardly talked about that shit with anyone. "I had a split second thought that it was my fault too. Like.. 'was I not involved enough? Did I give her too much space' Too little?' Then I remembered that I'm only human and the best thing I can do is love to my fullest, and I did. At the time, it wasn't enough for her.. and that's not on me. Just like it isn't on you. You loved that boy, I saw it, everyone saw it."

I heard a creek in the floor and looked up to see Jhené slowly walking in with a sad smile, most likely hearing the back end of the conversation. "I know some boys from Slauson if you want him killed." She attempted to joke and it worked, thus gaining a giggle out of Asia as she shook her head

"No, I don't want him killed." She crossed her legs Indian style on the bed, then sighing. "I just don't get it.."

"Can I say something?" Jhené whispered and when Asia nodded, she looked ahead as she spoke. "When I.. fucked up me and your sisters relationship, one thing I kept thinking was how much I knew it would affect her. She's all about rules, as you know she gets from your father, and they're simple. Just don't lie, make time for one another, and be loyal. I struck out big time all three." I smiled when Asia laughed under her breath. "After hurting on my own time I realized that.. one thing that hurt me the most was knowing she'd probably blame herself while I knew it was all me. I don't know what Connor is thinking, but I want you to know that it one hundred percent isn't on you."

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