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Zoe's P.O.V

I needed to find Curly, as stupid as sounds, I need his advice, even though he is a stalker. I grabbed some denim shorts, a grey hoodie, and to finish off a pair of grey toms. I ran out of the house, stumbling down the stairs. My head spun and my neck throbbed, i ignored the pain, I have to find Curly, played through my head on repeat.

My street was empty once again, I sighed, Dont be a wuss Zoe, My heart raced as I followed the voice in my head, Curly's voice. "You know where to go, love" the flash-backs of Curly's words flowed through my mind. I picked up my slow pace as I ran towards the forest, I checked my surrounding as I entered the forest, nothing. I checked again slowly, A tall figure was seen out of the corner of my eye. That's not Curly, I thought, this new figure was slowly approaching, It was slightly taller and more muscular than Curly. I turned around slowly, too scared to face the new figure who was now ten feet away, but still hiding behind a sheet of shadows. As I turned my back towards the person I saw another figure approaching, Please be him, Please be him, I chanted in my head, "Curly" I breathed, as I bolted towards him. "that's not my name" His laughed as I skidded to a stop before him, He helped me stand, "it's that- uhh-person" I breathed, "what?!?!" He chuckled, but fell he fell silent as his eyes landed on the new figure, "Lincon" He growled. Curly pushed me behind him in a protective gesture, What?!? Who?!?, my mind screamed, "ahahaha, Harold, it's good to see you again"Lincon greeted, Harold? It fits him, and stepped forwarded into the light. He was quite old, maybe in his early 40's. He had the grey hair slicked back, He dark eyes were piercing yet kind. His hands slipped into the pockets of his grey pin-stripped business suit, a small smile tugged on his lips, enhancing his crows feet and showing hisabnormally long canine teeth, "what do you want Lincon" Harry growled again as he through deadly glances at Lincon's henchmen, who were approaching behind us. "oh, Harold-", "It's Harry" Harry cut Lincon off, "Harry" Lincon growled Harry's name, "I think we both know what I want" Lincon said. He flashed me an evil smile before flashing to my side, "the girl" Lincon said as he grasped my chin with his hand. "No" Harry yelped and tried to leap towards me but lincon had pulled me away. Harry arms were wrenched behind his back by the two henchmen. "we need new blood for the Slave House, Harold" Lincon said calmly, "you cant do that! I found her! She's mine!" Harry screamed, I flinched, She's mine, Harry words played through my head. Lincon rolled his eyes, "well, you can get her back when she's put up for auction" Lincon said, as if he was talking to a child, Sold?!? Auction?!?.

Harry glanced at the ground, his voice barely above a whisper, "okay" was all he said, Lincon smiled warmly, "good idea, Harold" Lincon said, "take her to the house" lincon ordered. The two gruff henchmen grabbed my arms, their grasp was like iron bars. "wh-what's going on" I stuttered, Lincon turned towards me, a sickly sweet smile was plastered on his face, " oh sweetie, were all vampires, and vampires need blood and pleasure slaves, and you" he poked my chest, " are a very rare blood type, so were taking and selling you off" he said as if he were talking to a 3 year old. I scowled at him, "oh no sweetie dont do that, the prettier the better" he smiled. The hench men started dragging me away towards a black van, "wait! Can I please talk to her" Harry pleaded, Lincon let out an annoyed groan, "fine fine, but, dont touch my mercandise" he warned. Harry gave me a sad smile as the henchmen let me walk to Harry, "I'm sorry" he placed his hands on my shoulders, "i will come after you okay" he promised. I gave a small nod before the henchmen carried me back towards the van. They threw me inside a metal cage roughly, before locking it. "hey hey, dont damage my mercandise" i heard lincon yell, as I touched the back of my head which had collided with the cage walls, no blood thats a good sign, I curled into a ball, the gentle purring of the engine soothing me to sleep...

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