Memories Fall

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It was a new show tonight. I began to please the crowd as I stepped out on the stage as my name was called out. I heard cheers as I stepped out from back stage and I bowed in front of people. I performed tricks and people were astounded by it. I rehearsed the tricks over and over to make sure I got it right. I never forget them either. I have good memory.

"And now, for my next trick, I'll be needing someone in the audience for it. Hmmm. Let's see.", I said as I was scanning the crowd. Until I stopped at one person sitting in the front and pointed at him.

"How about you sir? Would you be up for helping me in my next trick?"

He almost choked up when he heard he was mentioned. He was escorted onto the stage and I smiled at him assuringly that nothing bad would happen to him. He sits down in a chair and I placed a sheet over him. He seemed nervous about it and I performed the trick.

"Now, I shall make this man into a rabbit and a man again. Ekam mih otni a tibbar!!"

I pull the sheet and he was turned into a jack rabbit and I laughed nervously.

"Hehe. Oops. I'll change him back now. Ekam mih otni a namuh!!"

I move the sheet over him again and he was sitting there as a human again. But he looked at me confused and I noticed he had a personality of a rabbit still. Uh oh. Something must be going wrong but people think it was an act still. I move the sheet over him and said the words again.

"Ekam mih namuh!!"

I pull the sheet off and he had his human personality back. But he had a craving for carrots all of a sudden and I handed him one and he went back to his seat with his family. Everyone clapped including him as the show came to an end. I had pictures taken with fans and signed autographs afterward and went to my dressing room.

I sat down and looked over my tricks for the evening. I don't know what went wrong either. He should haave went human after I turned him back. But at least I fixed it. Could I be losing my touch on magic? I hope not. Later that night I went home and went straight to bed. I recall about twenty years ago when I was younger. I was 8 and eager to do new things.

I was dreaming that night too. Thinking about what I had did the last ten years or so. I been fighting evil for a while now and I am only 28. I'm still too young. However, I had these odd dreams that lead me to my memories.

One of them was my father when he died. He tried to save me from evil beasts and in spiritual realms. I grieve to this day for him. But he always found ways to contact me in my dreams. My memories. But I know something. Memories Fall. But I know something when it comes to that and I woke up early holding my head while sitting up.

After showering and looking over my next show which was in about 8 hours, I rehearsed my tricks and spells so I don't get them wrong. I don't know what happened last night. It's like my magic has been messing up. But I never forget things. It was just a small mess up. But I won't let that happen again.

That night, at the show I performed my tricks with ease and the crowds were pleased. It was a warm night in February and I did new tricks this time. I did the pull the handkerchief from my sleeves trick and also did numerous things. It was a quiet night in Gotham. Then, out of nowhere, some people broke in and started shooting up a storm. Really?

"Everybody get down!! Hand over your valuables and no one dies!!", one shouted out and I ducked behind the stage. I looked over at them and I had think of something quick. Then I had an idea. I stepped out and I took my wand and waved it in the air.

"How about another trick? Ekam dlog raeppa!!"

I made a put of gold appear. It looks and feels real, but it wasn't real. They checked it and almost got excited and then I tipped my hat.

"Ekam ti raeppasid!!"

Just like that, it vanishes and they had disappointment on their faces.

"What the hell did you do that for?!!", he shouted and aimed his gun at me. I raised my hands and mumbled incantation. Then when they shot at me, it shot out bubbles instead. They got flustered and threw their guns down. They pulled a knife on me and tried to slash at me, but I moved aside.

"Nrut efink otni rebbur!!"

And just like that, the knife turned into a rubber one.

"Stop talking!!", he yelled as he tackled me down and covered my mouth. As if doing that would stop me anyway. But I felt memories flash before my eyes of all the things I remember and some of them I almost forgotten. He looked down at me and I lifted my leg up to kick him off me and I knocked him aside. He tried to get up to hold me down, but didn't succeed. I know I often need saving, but not tonight. The people who are my audience need saving.

I can handle this without Batman's help. But I can sense he was coming. I decided to use my tricks on these men. I got up on my feet and decided to use my spells on these idiots.

"Dnib rieht teef!!"

Then, something binds their feet down and they fell over. I used hand to hand combat on the other ones who didn't get affected. I used a spell to bind their hands and feet as they fell down to the ground.

"I could turn you into something else, but I'll be nice about it and have the police come get you."

They looked at me like they knew what was going to happen. Fifteen minutes later, they came to get the robbers and of course Batman arrived asking me how I did it. It was simple really but everyone had applauded for my great performance in saving them and still doing a show.

"I know a thing or two about handling men who are thugs. I turned their weapons into toys."

"You seem capable of handling things on your own, Zatanna. I'm impressed.", Batman said as he stood there in front of me.

I tipped my hat and went back inside to grab my things and head out to my car. It was quite a night actually. It was entertaining. I just hope there would be good outcomes in future shows. I had a flight to Metropolis in the morning. I got a show there to do.

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