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MONROE WALKED INTO ALEJANDRO'S house with Kairi by her side, her ears ringing as the music blared and she looked around at all the teenagers that filled the space. She was awed by the fact that he even knew all of these people, let alone trusted them to be in his house.

Kairi looked at her and pulled her into his shoulder, knowing well enough that she wasn't in the best of moods after she had told him about her small argument with Anthony Reeves. Kairi also knew her well enough that even with how upset she was, she would never go out of her way to hurt the boy she was with and maybe that's why he craved for her to feel that way about him.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked, leaning down so that she could hear him. Monroe nodded, following him to the kitchen where they caug sight of the party host himself. Alejandro looked tense, clearly not the most comfortable with how packed his house was, but he was trying to make the best of it.


Monroe smiles as he greeted them, gently taking the cup from his hand as he poured her some juice and some cheap liquor that she had a suspicion he had stolen from his parents. She sipped it and turned her nose up, her face scrunching up at the awful taste.

Kairi laughed at her reaction and sipped his own drink without so much of a flinch, trying to show her that it wasn't too bad if she didn't think about it. The other boy from before, Robert, pushed through a group of girls and joined the three of them, smiling at Monroe who did the same.


Kairi's question went unasked as he looked into the living room and saw Mattia dancing with a brunette girl, a sigh escaping from his lips. "Bruh. He's seriously here with Jenna?" He asked Alejandro, rolling his eyes when Alejandro remained silent and downed his drink instead.

Monroe peered over the heads of the people in the kitchen to see what Kairi he saw, scoffing when Mattia caught her eyes and leant down to whisper something into the girls ear. After, he made his way towards them, cup in hand.

"Took you guys long enough to get here," He grinned, nodding at the three boys before he turned to Monroe. He looked down at her cup, watching as she took the rest of the nasty alcohol into her mouth and shoved the now empty cup towards Alejandro for a refill.

Kairi looked between the two and knew instantly that there was something more going on with Monroe than just hating Mattia. In fact, Kairi had a growing suspicion that she felt the opposite and the thought made him sick to his stomach. He didn't understand why Mattia could treat somebody like shit and still win them over.

"Slow down, Shawty."

Monroe glared at Mattia yet again and thanked Alejandro for the new drink, pulling Kairi's hand as she stomped towards the back door. When she finally made it, she tugged it open and stepped outside, wrapping her jacket around her as she sipped.

"What is his problem?"

Kairi knee she wasn't speaking to him, or at least, that's what he assumed when she looked up at the dark sky and let out an aggravated sigh. Her bestfriend just put his his own cup and wrapped his arms around her from behind, leaning his chin on her shoulder.

"He's just looking for a reaction. That's how Mattia works, Monroe. He pushes and pushes until you push back," he admitted and he felt her laugh. It wasn't a happy laugh, more it was a laugh that gave him goosebumps as he had never seen her so worked up about somebody like this in his whole time knowing her.

"Well it's fucking annoying," she snapped, downing her drink once more as Kairi took a deep breathe. She was drinking fat too fast and he knew that at any moment, it was going to hit her in full force.

She gently stepped away from him, turning to tell him that she was going to the bathroom and she would meet him back in the kitchen. He nodded, telling her exactly where it was and he watched as she disappeared inside and up the stairs.

He was about to make his way inside as well when he saw Mattia step away from his friends, making his way up the stairs in the same direction that Monroe Davids had just gone.

Deep down, he knew that he should've went after them to make sure that nothing went down but, at the same time, he didn't want to be there if something did. Especially something that he wasn't quite ready to see.

Upstairs, Monroe looked at herself in the mirror and ran her hand through her hair, wiping angrily at her face. She wanted to be home with her real friends. With Anthony. She didn't want him to be mad at her anymore, she just wanted to be curled up with him in his room at home. Her home.

The door gently swung open and Monroe jumped, turning to see who was barging in on her. Her head was spinning a bit, possible influencing the fact that she didn't scream when she saw Mattia step into the bathroom and close the door behind him. Instead, Monroe just turned back to the mirror and wiped the mascara from under her eyes quickly.

"Why are you crying?"

For once in his life, Mattia didn't sound like an asshole when he was speaking to her. She almost felt like he sounded upset, but that couldn't he true because he had said it himself; he didn't care about her.

"I'm not," she snapped, turning to give him the biggest smile she could before trying to make her way around him to leave the room. Mattia wasn't done though, stepping in front of her escape to block her way to the door handle.

"Yeah, you are."

"What the hell do you care, Mattia? Why do you even care," she whispered, so exhausted by the way he was nice for a second and then back to the same asshole that he had proven himself to be. Mattia looked hurt at her words, gently grabbing her hand.

"I care because I like you as a person, Monroe. You're funny and your attitude is overwhelming. You're a cool person, Monroe," he snapped back, staring down at her as she stared up at him with a look of pure hatred.

He didn't know what was going in his head, let alone hers, but when he felt himself leaning down, all he felt was pure shock when she didn't move away. Instead, Monroe stood stoically in her spot, only moving when their lips connected.

His hands instantly fell to her back, pulling her closer to his body as she wrapped his shirt in her own fists.

Mattia could feel himself getting hot with the situation and pulled away for a moment to see her eyes glistening, her mouth slightly parted as she stepped away from him like she had been burned.


He could a step towards her, flinching when she ducked under his arm and fled from the room. He knew he should have done it but he would never had had the chance again if he didn't try that now. After a moment, he too let to try and follow her, bounding into the kitchen when Alejandro and Robert still stood.

"Where's Monroe?"

Alejandro gave him a puzzled look and nodded to the front door, watching as Mattia's face fell.

"She left with Kairi. Didn't feel good."

Mattia nodded, informing them that he also didn't feel too hot and was going to be on his way. The only thing going through his head was that he fucked up and he fucked up bad.

and now she do be cheating.

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