The Funeral

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 "PIPER! GET CALLIOPE TO SAFETY!" I yelled, jumping off of Festus. Piper scrambled to get off with Calliope. Leo jumped down, and started to help her. Out of instinct, I moved my hand to grab my dagger, but it wasn't there. I was weaponless.

I heard Percy uncap Riptide. "Annabeth, go with Piper." he said sternly. Before I could protest, the dracaenae attacked. One swung it's spear tip at me, and I ducked. The monster hit my leg with the shaft of the spear. My ankle burned, and I fell onto the ground. A rock cut into my leg, and I winced. I propped myself up on an arm, just in time to see the dracaenae swinging the spear tip towards my heart. I rolled under Festus. I saw Percy dueling two other monsters.

I came up on the other side, just as Piper jumped down. Three dracaenae came towards her and Leo. I jumped up, and stood in front of Piper, trying to protect Calliope. She was screaming, and paralyzed in Piper's arms. Leo blasted fire at the dracaenae. The one closest to us exploded into dust. I pushed my hair out of my face, and turned to Piper. "Take Calliope to camp." I said. Piper stepped back, confused. I could hear the clang of weapons, as Percy and Leo fought the monsters.

"She's not a demigod though, she can't enter it!" Piper said, hugging the girl tight. She eyes the monsters, her eyes filled with fear. Fear for Calliope.

"Just trust me!" I said, gesturing to the camp.


"Piper, go to camp! It's safest for her there!" I yelled, my voice filled with concern. Piper sighed, and nodded. She turned and ran towards the border. I watched her, and hoped my theory was true. It was based off of my dream, and a few other things about Calliope. Like how she didn't know her father. And the sparks at her fingertips.

Piper passed into the camp with ease. She stopped, and turned to me. She looked extremely confused. I smirked, and turned back to the battle. Most of the dracaenae were gone. Only two remained.

"What are you doing here!?" Percy shouted, as he swung his sword at the monster. It blocked the attack.

"How do you think we knew about the plane ride?" it hissed. "We have been out here for weeks, trying to find the perfect time to attack! Luckily, some demigods are loud and easy to overhear." The monster laughed, and I shivered. It looked at Piper and smirked. I turned back to her. She looked shocked, and mouth Sorry!

She might have been one of the demigods the dracaena overheard. I nodded, signaling that it was okay. Calliope screamed in her arms, and Piper did the best she could to comfort the little girl.

"Annabeth, get to Piper! Help her with Calliope!" Percy yelled. Without saying a word, I turned and ran to them. I would have felt great to be back in camp, if we were not being attacked. I helped calm down Calliope, and Leo and Percy ran to us soon after. The dracaenae were gone, but Percy and Leo were worn out from the fight.

"That should be the last of them. We killed the rest in Rome, and we killed these few spies here." Percy said, breathing heavily. I nodded. I would be on edge for awhile after this. We turned and walked into the camp in silence.

We were greeted by Katie Gardner. She ran up to us, and asked us about the trip. She was smiling, and seemed so happy. Percy told her what had happened, and the smile vanished from her face.

"W- what?" she said, her voice shaking. Tears built up in her eyes, and her mouth hung open. I comforted her, and we walked back to camp.

The next few days were horrible. Telling people about Chiron was one of the worst parts. It was hard to watch. Camp Half-blood was mourning. All activities had been canceled, and most people stayed inside of their cabins. Everywhere I went I heard someone crying, or saw someone sad. People talked about memories of Chiron, and shared stories. It was still hard to believe, and I still felt like he was going to come back. I knew deep down he never would.

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