Chapter (○) : Prologue

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" Pssst! "

The voice was faint, soft, whispery- but also cracked, as if not lubricated well enough with saliva. Lucas knew that small voice anywhere, and his eyes shot open to reveal his brother holding a candle. There was more silence, before Joshua slid onto the riggidy wooden bed. Lucas knew what this was about and immediately furrowed his brows. He opened his mouth to speak while he slowly pulled his brother over, placing the candle aside.

" Castius? "

Lucas asked, and Joshua nodded.

" What did he say this time? "

There was a long moment between the two as Lucas' eyes adjusted to the sight of his bedroom. Cold, bland.. The breeze swam through like a cold current, forcing Joshua to hold onto his brother tighter. Lucas began to cradle him gently as he pat his back gently. He knew it was coming, the gentle whimpers revealing what Lucas thought.

" Castius didnt say a lot. He said Uncle is going to go to America with us and Father, but then what will happen to the search for mother? "

A long pause. Lucas always knew Joshua's visions came true, he was the one blessed with vision and sight of otherwordly beings, and Lucas remembered that he, too, was blessed. The older of the two would roll up his sleeve, showing his twin the tattoo of the moon. Joshua noticed the tattoo on his hand and gently brought up his own to reveal his tattoo of the sun.

" Let's try Mother's song, maybe she can tell us what to do. "

Both closed their eyes and leaned into eachother, the memories of their mother came splashing back as Lucas began the song.

" When time grows frail, "

Lucas sang gently as his brother pipes up, knowing the lullaby instantly from his mother; she was always the one to sing them to bed when she was around. However, she had been missing. For a long time, really. They had been searching for multiple months, unable to find a trace within the city; she was completely gone. But they hadn't given up yet. No, they wouldn't. This was Mother's song.

" When the poppies overgrow, "

Joshua finished the next sentence as light began to shine from the small tattoo's on their hand.

" When the sun and moon split the sky and wail, "

Lucas heard a small bang but ignored it. He knew that they would notice them, but he also knew of the energy he was capable of. Ah, Pagan visions, he instantly knew what was coming. They were creatures that would try and suck any energy from this realm, often contributing to fatigue; and lethal for stronger entities. Lucas focused harder on his energy to keep them from taking it, at least not yet, please let us finish what we started.

" The more you will know, the more you will know. "

Their tattoo's lit up bright as both twins let go of the other, a small bubble or aura was bow around the two. The Pagan Visions scowled and screeched. They were tall slender starving ones, animalistic, desperate to feed upon the two. However; they soon would avoid the aura, terrified of what it was capable of. Lucas and Joshua observed as speckles of light spread around the room and around eachother, small orbs sometimes bouncing off the fruniture and their bodies. They giggled as it would tickle with every touch.

Their happiness was abrupted when they heard footsteps. Small ones, clopping against the wooden floors. Lucas quickly blew out the candle and pretended to be asleep, as Joshua did the same. The door swung open with panic.

" Come on, you too! We leave at once! "

They would jolt from their beds as the servant looked shocked. Oleander was the new head servant, and quite the sight to look at. Fluffy curly hair, round blue eyes, and a waistcoat and fancy dress pants. However, he had a loud and odd limp, which reminded Lucas and Joshua heavily of their fathers.

Lucas checked the time on his clock. It was 5 am, and today was the day they leave for America.

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