Chapter I : The House Of God

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" Lucas, I swear; if I see you leave your stockings in my Holy Box of Magic I will royally STRANGLE YOU! "

Joshua held the wooden box his mother gave him long ago, glaring angrily at his brother to snickered silently. America had been good to them so far; though they had yet to move into the house. Now, the carraige was going to transfer all of them to their eventual destination from the Inn. In the carraige, Lucas and Joshua were fighting with eachother.

" Holy Box my arse, Josh! It's just a box with some bible verses painted inside, it isn't anymore 'holy' than a cross. "

Lucas would cross his arms as he noticed just how similar they looked. Yes, they were twins. Completely identicle except for the fact their eyes were different colors. Both had heterochromia, though the placement of the blue and green eyes were flipped from the other twin. Otherwise; identicle. Skin that was pale, freckles that dotted it.. with a large beauty mark on eachother's cheek.

Lucas' father finally had enough of the two, he slammed his book down onto Joshua's lap. This caused the boy to yelp as his father sneered; purple eyes narrowing as his eyebrows furrowed sharply.

" You two will Stop fighting or Castius so help me; I will beat you with the cane and hang you upside down like last time! "

The thick australian accent was loud and rather scary for the two english boys, they immediately straightened up and stared in fear of their father. He was always a harsh man, and this carraige ride must have made him exausted. He was always angrier when he was tired; it caused serious issues to occur between the relationship of the two and their parent.

Not to mention, he wouldnt hesitate to slap them at any second. Lucas turned to face the outside, seeing the beautiful american countryside... he missed England, and his friends, and his mother... There was rows of willow trees among the pines, stretching out as far as his eyes could see. Soon, they approached the mansion.

Joshua would begin writing in his blue journal as they awaited their destination.

Dear Diary,

We approach the new home and I am excited to go! Father said he had invited his wonderful friends from England and Australia and Greece! He said that we would be spending more time and doing a lot more together! like old times, before he became very angry. At least Lucas is here! He says he has a present for me. I wonder what it is...

Soon, the carraige came to a sharp halt. Thw horses whinnied as men came to open the doors and help the young boys out. Before them laid a mansion; and a huge one. They couldnt believe their eyes, it was like a castle to the two. A man helped brush off the twin's waistcoats and shorts before letting them enter, they giggled as they attempted to run onto the lawn's green grass.


This caused the two to halt before reaching the soft grass to roll into it, like when they were in england! They would always do that with the Stronghold family children... Lucas wondered where they were now, probably playing marbles or playing outside.

They would turn around in unison to see the dissapointment on their father's face. The sun hit his white hair and pale white skin, his lips pink like his cheeks and nose. He coughed loudly as he approached his son's, grabbing them at their vests.

" You two will not be bringing that lowlife attitude into this house. Your mother might have let you do that; but she is in england, and you will leave that with her. "

The adult let the two 11-year-old's go, watching them stumble back in fear; tearing up a little from the fear as they both nodded in true terror. The adult would sniffle and then walk inside, followed by a couple of servants.

The mansion itself had about 6 floors and was wider than a apartment building. it was a huge structure that made the twins nervous, despite their natures. The house loomed and stretched over, it was clearly old and beaten but also regal and sophisticated, blending into the small willow trees. It was a perfect plot of land to buy, their father was so smart!

There was a gentle sound of a goat bleat that caught the two off guard. When they spun around, they were met with Oleander; their caregiver.

" Well, you two! Let's get you inside and settled. "

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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