1. Hello

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Hello, to the person reading this.

For the sake of my own privacy, just call me Suga Cubez. ( I'm an A.R.M.Y.)

As of now I'm a sophomore in Highschool. And so far.... It sucks blue balls. Between schoolwork, friends, and still trying to keep my sleep schedule alive, you could say I'm a pretty stressful person. Even though my teachers barely give us homework.

Any way, I'm writing this to just have memories of my life as a teenager. A sleep deprived, French fry eatin' , lonely teenager.

I also thought it would be fun to connect to those who are also going through teen stages. I know I'm not keeping my sentences consistent so I'll just go ahead and start.

That was one uninteresting intro, But it'll get better.

{I hope}

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