the water's call of anger

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Naruto's POV

"I feel so alone..."

"Where is everyone?..."

"Did they leave me?..."

"Why would they leave me?..."

"They said they loved me..."

"They said they would never leave me!"

"They lied... they lied... They always do"

"I'm scared where did everyone go..."

"There blood everywhere... and everyone is not moving..."

"I hate this..."

"I wanna swim away..."

"But i feel to scared to move..."

"Where's everyone..."

Present day

"I hate this" I really do, next Tsuki is my brithday.
(Tsuki Stands for month) and when my brithday comes I'm going to have to marry old perv Tofo, all that bastard wants is a pretty sex toy. He always touch's the woman in the castle and has been getting very touchi with me too. Disgusting. I really don't want to get pregnant with that demons child, but they said it's  to bring our kingdoms together.

In the world of mermaids either male or female can have children, and many people are happy because of this,  but right now i wish I could snap out of existence because of it. Mermaids  can also trun there fins into legs when dried but everyone is to scared to go to the surface, because of the humans.


I go to my usual relaxing place where I've olny told Kurama my special guard and olny friend, he's basically the closest thing to family i have right now. I saw kurama laying on one of the rocks about to fall asleep untill he saw me.

We talked for jikans and jikans (jikans stands for hours)

"Kit do you really want to marry king tofo" "....."  "i should have expected this" he sighs and sits up to face me "listen Naruto you don't have to stay here and live the life you don't want" "what else can I do... if i run they will find me and force me to go back" "you can go to the surface" i stare at Him as if he were a mad man, but he had a serious face. "You really are serious..." "it sure doesn't look like I'm laughing" he patted next to him  signaling to sit closer to him "Kurama you know that the humans will kill me even if i peek my head out The water" "I've been to the surface" "yeah that's no- WAIT YOU DID WHAT!!"

I was in total shock of what kurama said, "how are you not dead...?" He looked at me and explained, he said that the humans were children and a young man, he told me that they talked the same language as us. But he started messing with his hair and  started to get red "well you see... uh heh umm well the humans saw me" at this point i was be on shocked "and they waved at me and I got scared and left" "kurama you could've died!" He started getting more red "You know humans are good looking..." "ehh..." what is worng with kura- ohh no no no no that's not it is it right please no.

"Kurama did you fall in love with a human..." he truned away and crawled into a ball "yes..." there was a long moment of silence, untill i broke the gap "what are you going to do now..." "the human and the children come at a current time every day, I'll just visit the surface at that time" he sits back up and starts playing with his hair like a little girl again "at what jikan do you visit them" "around this time" he starts to get up "hey kit want to come with me" "umm nnmm" he pulls me up and yanks me to swim to the surface "hey kit don't be scared if anything happens i will protect you, k" "ok" he pulls me farther away form the castle untill we reach the surface.

We reach the surface and kurama pulls me behind a rock. I peek to the side to see the humans kurama was talking about, there was 1,2,3,4,5 children then 2 older humans... but kurama said there olny 1... They seemed related "oh the younger brother is here today" kurama looked even more excited, he explained that the human with the ponytail had a younger brother that he sometimes brought with him but it was rare to see him here. While I was trying to get a better look at the humans i accidentally moved one of the smaller rocks, which fell into the water making a big splash, and grabbing the humans attention towards us.

"Hey whose there, show yourself!"

This is the frist chapter of the new story that i was talking about, frist chapter had me confused on many ideas but God gave me a sign and gave me theses ideas.

Well chapter two will be out soon i hope. I almost forgot there is going to be Japanese words here that i well use along the way, it's going to be 'learning Japanese with  author- sama' welp that's all i have say for know see you lads in chapter two

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