Chapter 9

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"Are you equipped with a diary?" T-11 asks. 

I stare right at him giving him a 'why the hell would I have a diary?' glance wiling my nose. I've heard this is not a common thing among men to have.We were hiding in the areas the cameras would not be able spot us through, since I am supposed to be in the cell.

"Do you still have the car keys?" T-11 asks as I recalled the credit card in my pocket.

"I don't have car keys." I said."Remember? There wasn't keys used to drive the black SUV. We stole it."

T-11 frowns.

"I thought we had bought it." T-11 said.

"You remember...Your memory processor must be whacked up-." I said, with  shake of my head and a little sigh.

We went into a closet from hearing a couple terminators heading our way through the mailbox like hole I could see a pair of Terminators taken quite a liking to the ones I had seen three days and one week earlier.One of them took their helmets off. And then I knew what I had been seeing. They were indeed my attackers in the future.

"Something wrong, Blake?"T-11 asks.

"Just saw something from the past." I said, quite literally. Correction; my attackers FROM the pas4. They're going into my past but into their future where they'll die. Which triggers this massive bootleg-paradox effect. Or at least I am aware about this. 

"We better get there before Hater destroyed the time machine." T-11 said.

"You've forgotten about that we do not have any help what-so e er and we don't have the timing of estimated death."

"I know."T-11 said, pressing a button on his arm.  "I was referring to fighting the spare guards. "

This human-borg is one of the most sassiest man alive. 

"Oh....I am so old I over-think everything." I said.

T-11's arm retracts into white gray hard metal complete with wires and blue glowing tubes. It was the perfect color to watch at in the middle of the night.

"Don't you know,everyone does." T-11 said. We managed to slip out of the closet landing on top of each other. "Fantassia!" T-11 sang, trying out his vocal cords  I assume. Each time he said it was even said louder. "Fantasiiiaaaa." 

 I really wanted to believe  a man  of a different age had crawled in through a a rabbit hole  into my very presence. In wonder if there was even s a setting for being  lunatic for a human-borg. I saw a couple guards--not the terminator ones--headed straight our way holding the long spear energized weapons.

"This is the part where you run." T-11 said.  "And I will show you why a Fezz is cool."

They were getting incredibly close so I decided to make a run for it. Thank god for running with my son  while practicing--and helping him--for an athletic  competition that only happened once a  year. 
I managed to get passed the guards while there was an exchange of gunfire. I managed to get a helmet laying on the counter and rushed by a pair of guards who were paying no attention to a man who had a helmet on.I grabbed a nearby phone, punched in my son's number, and continued running.

"Bam bam bam, there's a little way going down the lake, watching the sun shine in the baskering darknessss!" The theme music from my son's phone was going on. "Bam,bam,bam; there is nothing like falling into the darkness, baskering in the little amount of sunlight,baskering in the little ray of sunlight, and we're falling  through the bastering darkness!"

I don't know what bastering and baskering mean.This is the worst type of music existing in the almost perfect utopia.Although my former wife Marly always gently told me it was rock music before the emotions had been restrained and harnessed through the laws.I didn't know that music was under the same rule created until twenty years ago.

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