Are little familly

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Cas's pov

I sighed, rubbing my belly. Dean and I were at work and I was watching as he was talking with a client over the phone. I walked up behind him, one hand under my belly and one on top of it. I nuzzled Dean's shoulder blade, smiling. He looked at me, smiling as he continued his conversation. He sat down and I sat down on his lap, my belly in front of him. He rubbed my stomach, still talking on the phone. I watched him before he end the phone call and kissed my belly. "Oi, some people just don't get the fact that I can't have all of my time and money going out to them. I'm going to have a family soon. I need the money and time to take care of them." I smiled, kissing his head. "You're still a great father. Money or no money." I say, rubbing my belly. dean smiled, rubbing my belly and then massaging my hips. "How're they treating you today?" "Fine. They're not too active. But my hips are still killing me' and my ankles are sore." "Awe, I'm sorry baby." "It's fine. It's very worth it." "How so?" "Being pregnant is a worthwhile experience. Knowing you're bringing more life into the world. It's rewarding." dean smiled at my description. "I'm glad you feel that way." I giggled, rubbing my belly fondly. "I want-" "apple juice or cherry pie?" "apple juice please and How'd you know?" I ask, pouting playfully. "You've been craving it forever." I giggle. "It's not my fault." I pout, only to have Eren kiss my lips. "I never said it was." He says, getting up to grab the milk. I smiled, watching as he walked back with the half gallon. I took it from him, unscrewing the cap and pouring me a coffee mug full of it. I drank it happily, feeling the babies kick happily.

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