(Left Out)Roman Godfrey

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I'm in school right now and just had the urge to write but, I'm also very bored so sorry if this one is bad...

Warning- None (but also it's Roman so there might be crude language or humor) 

Type- Angst/fluff 

I walked through the school lazily. My bag was halfway on my right shoulder and my eyes were droopy. I hadn't gotten any sleep last night due to Peter calling me and complaining about how Litha and him were. She had apparently said something to him that he took as her being mad and I was trying to explain to him that it wasn't what he thought it was but, of course, he didn't understand and kept on. 

I walked into my Algebra 2 class and sat in the back. I had only been going to public school now for about two months. After Peter moved into town, I decided to stay with him as much as I could. I was a friend of his cousin Destiny and was living with her. I had been friends with there family since birth and when I heard that Peter was moving to Hemlock, I was shocked and happy. 

I set my bag down and laid my head on my desk. As I started to dose off, I heard someone sit down in front of me. I didn't think anything of it and shut my eyes harder trying not to think about the major headache I was getting. Then, someone started playing with strands of my hair. I sighed and lifted my head up slowly. I opened my eyes and saw Roman sitting there with the biggest grin on his face. 

"Hello, Roman," I said letting my head fall back down on the desk. 

He was silent.

"What," I mumbled from my arms as I shut my eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" he said flicking my arm multiple times.

I sighed again and buried my head deeper into my arms.

"I'm tired. Peter kept me up all last night complaining about Litha," I said slowly.

Roman grunted.

"Nice. That's amazing," he said turning back around in his seat and huffing.

I looked up at him weirdly.

"What? What's YOUR problem now? hmm?" I said flicking the back of his head.

"Nothing. I'm fine" Perfectly okay," he said not turning to look at me at all.

He did this kind of thing. He wouldn't open up and just talk about things to me. He was so secretive. I had gotten pretty close to Roman in these past three or four months and every now and then he ould get in these moods where he wouldn't want to talk to anyone about anything.  It did get annoying but it was understandable. 

I rolled my eyes and put my hand on his shoulder. I pulled him back to look at me. He barely turned his head. His eyes looked glossy and red. Like he was about to cry.

"I know you are not okay. If you don't want to tell me that's fine but I am here for you Roman." I said. 

I smiled at him and caressed his head. He scoffed at me and looked down at his desk. I sat back down in my seat and fell back asleep. 

After class had ended, I groggily woke up and looked around for Roman. He wasn't in the room. I got up and walked down the hall to my last class. I had Peter in this class luckily. 

I walked into the crowded Chemistry room and took my seat beside Peter in the back of the class. I set my things down on the black lap table and looked over at Peter. He was dozing off and had his head down on his bag.

"Peter darling," I said flicking his forehead. 

He groaned and looked up at me. 

"Yes love???" he said sarcastically. 

I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat.

"How are you and Litha?" I asked him.

"Were fine now. I kind of regret staying up all night though. I bet you do too. You look like you do," he said pointing to the dark bags under my eyes.

"Mhmm, but that's what friends are for..." I said shrugging. "Speaking of friends, I told Roman why I was so tired today and he got upset. I don't know why but, he looked like he was about to cry."

"What did you tell him?" he asked.

"I told him that you were having problems with Litha and I was helping you out," I said. 

"He probably feels left out or something. If you think about it, I kind of 'took' Litha from him when we started dating and me you and Litha are his only friends so now he only has you left and when he hears you talking to me all night it probably makes him feel upset." Peter said laying his head back down on his bag.

I nodded and played with my rings on my fingers.

"I understand that. I wish he wouldn't feel that way though. I love him so much and would never do anything like that to him." I said rubbing my head.

"Just talk to him about it on your way home today," he said shutting his eyes again.

For the rest of the period, I thought about what I was going to say to Roman on the way home. I wanted to make him feel loved and comfortable.

When the bell rang at the end of the day, I walked out to Roman's car and waited for him. 

When he walked up to the bug, he got in and unlocked the doors without saying one word to me.

I got in and buckled my seatbelt. I was about to cry. I held back my tears and stared out on my window.

When we got out of the school zone I asked him if we could go to our cliff.

"Why? You don't want to hang out with Peter or something?" he said rolling his eyes. 

That hurt...

"No, I want to talk with you. Please..." I said looking at him. He was also about to cry.

The cliff was a place only me and Roman new about. It was a place in the woods not too far from the railroad tracks where there was a huge cliff that you could see the whole city from. We had been going there at least once a week. It was nice to have a place that only me and him knew about. It was almost romantic in away. 

When we got there I got out of the car and grabbed a blanket he had in his backseat from the last time we went here. I walked out to the cliff and put down the blanket. He followed.

I sat down and patted the spot next to me. He sat down and sighed. 

"What," he said looking at me. He was leaning back on his hands.

I smiled at him. "Roman, you know I love you so much right? You have been there for me ever since we have become friends. You are so amazing and I would never do anything to hurt you. I was talking with Peter in the last period and he said you might have been feeling left out since him and Litha have been hanging out a lot and I have been a little distant for a while. I don't want you to feel like that, you can always ask me to hang out or talk." I told him. 

He stared at me so darkly. His eyes seemed to rip into my soul. I put a hand on his knee and smiled at him. His eyes slowly became more and more glassy.

"Roman..." I said letting my hand off of his knee. He pulled my hand back and pulled me into a hug.

I felt tears drop on my head. I squeezed him tightly. 

"Please don't leave me... I won't have anyone left (y/n)... I love you" he said choking on his words. 

"I wouldn't dream of it." 

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