I'll believe it when i see it

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"Hurry up and change already, Zack! I'm soaking wet and freezing out here! I shouted out from my bedroom door as my voice echoed down the hallway of the second floor to my house.

"Would you hold on a second? I can barely get these pants over my butt!" Zack called back to me. He was my bestfriend, but my God he irritated me sometimes.

I rolled my eyes and paced back and forth, waiting for Him to open the door so I could put on some dry clothes. I was getting a little annoyed walking up and down the hall, watching my wet hair drip on the floor, making little puddles on the hardwood. My teeth were chattering, almost uncontrollably at this point, and the frustration was stirring in the pit of my stomach.

"Could I at least get in there for a second to grab my bathrobe or something?" I complained, clutching my shoulders, rubbing them as I tried to desperately to warm myself up.

Finally, Zack opened the door, but just enough to throw me a towel and then slam it shut again.


We had both walked home from school together, but weren't quite prepared for the downpour on this May afternoon. Skies had been opened up without warning,leaving both of us cold and wet on the way to my house to finish our history project. My t-shirt and jeans were shades darker, soaked from the heavy rain.

It was a bad idea, I quess, to challenge Zack to a race up the stairs to my bedroom. Of course, he beat me to it. He was never the type to shy away from any type of competition, but you'd think he'd at least have the courtesy to let me change first. I guess chivalry really did die a long time ago. Then again, I was pretty sure Zack looked at me as more of a "bro" than a lady. That was the downside to being best friends with a guy, I suppose.

"Can I try these gray sweatpants in your bottom drawer?" He ask in his deep voice. "The other ones were to tight". I groaned. "I guess if they'll fit you..."

I could hear him struggling to put them on, and I laughed to myself. Zack was comfortable enough to go into my drawers and pick out clothes without prompting. My house was his second home - there were no boundaries. Even my closet and dresser were open to him at his demand. The fact that he was now trying to squeeze into my sweatpants, though, was pretty comical.

"If you rip them I will kill you, Zack!" I warned him as I towel dried my hair and wiped some of the wetness away from my face. I didn't have to worry about him seeing me without makeup on - I didn't wear much to begin with, and he was used to seeing me like this.

"Were you born without a butt or something, Rach? Because these pants don't fit over mine!" He called back to me, completely ignoring my warning.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "There might be a baggier pair in my dresser somewhere. Hurry up and find them before I turn into a friggin' icicle. You're seriously taking years off my life," I grumbled, rolling my eyes. I rested my head against the bedroom door as I listen to what was going on inside. But this time when I heard him rustling through my drawers, I just knew he was up to no good.

"Woah, you're a B cup now? Weren't you only an A cup last year?" Zack teased, laughing to himself.

"Oh, my God! What is wrong with you?!" I scolded him. I heard nothing for a while, and I could only imagine what Zack was getting himself into in there. "That's it! I'm coming in!" I declared, busting through the door. If I had known it wasn't locked, I probably would have gone in there sooner.

But as I crossed the threshold, I saw Zack standing there with my sweatpants on, shirtless, with my underwear on his head and my bra plastered against his chest. He started laughing almost uncontrollably when I began to charge at him like an angry bull.

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