Chapter 4

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I licked my lips and shifted on my bed, feeling anxious and nervous about what I was supposed to do. I tucked my legs closer to me and took a deep breath. I knew that he was nearby. I could feel him, the same what I had felt him almost every day since I had gotten these memories.

He was patient while he waited, not getting mad when I didn't call out for him. He stayed in one spot, and if I glanced over that spot, quickly, I could see him waiting for me, looking ever so comfortable, even if he was standing for most of it.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and let myself fall onto my side. I kept the pillow in my arms and held it to me as if to protect myself from him. "Miza," I said, finally, beckoning him to come out of hiding.

Miza appeared somewhere in the room and studied me. He stayed silent, and I had a feeling that he wanted me to open my eyes and stare at him. "You know," he said, patiently, "it'd be easier for you to gauge my reaction if you opened your eyes and stared at me."

I shook my head and clutched my pillow tighter to my chest. "No," I replied and sat up but didn't look at him. "I don't want to. I don't want to look."

Miza chuckled, but this chuckle sounded sad, and I didn't like it. "I see that you are as stubborn as always, Katie," he said. He shifted as he got comfortable and cleared his throat. "However, I do think it is slightly uncalled for at the moment, don't you think?" There was a slight warning sound in his voice that I had heard many times before, and I knew that he wanted me to open my eyes.

Sighing again, I opened my eyes and lifted my head until I looked at the male, who had helped me a lot. I stayed silent and studied him, taking in the changes that had occurred over the past few years, which wasn't many except for maybe more wrinkles under his eyes.

Miza had a calm smile on his face while he studied me. He sat in a chair that I had in my room and leaned forward with his hands resting on his knees. Slowly, he bowed his head before he looked at me again. "It's nice to see you again," he said, his voice still had that same soothing effect it always had when I was nervous, and I could feel myself relaxing in his presence. "Now that you remember everything."

I looked down and shrugged my shoulders. My cheeks turned red, and I couldn't help but feel guilty about forgetting him. I had no idea why I had to have forgotten about him and had a feeling that it was because of Sky.

"It was because of Sky," Miza confirmed and nodded, listening in on my thoughts. He sighed and moved a hand through his hair before he grew serious. "Do you remember when I had talked about Orthenal?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "I know that it had been a long time ago, longer since you had not had those memories for long."

Orthenal. My whole body shivered when he said that word, and I slowly nodded because my mouth went dry. I knew what Orthenal was, having been taught about it a long time ago because, like Sky, I had lessons too with this man that had blessed me as his own.

Sky hadn't been the only one blessed by a God, but she was blessed by four instead of three while I was blessed by him and only him. She had forgotten that she had been blessed by him, but so did I because of a reason that I couldn't understand because I had no idea why.

Miza sighed and cleared his throat. He shifted in his seat and placed his hand on his lap. He looked nervous, afraid, and I had a feeling that he had no idea how I would react to whatever news he brought with him. "Your memories were changed to keep you and her safe," he said. "He would have been able to use you if they weren't."

He. Miza was talking about Makhala, I knew that, and a shudder went down my spine when Miza brought him up.

Miza grabbed my hands and looked me straight in the eye. Concern and fear filled his eyes while he studied me, and I could tell that he didn't like how pale I had gotten when his name was brought up. "He is dead, remember?" he asked, and I nodded because a lump lodged itself in my throat. He squeezed my hands, and I could tell that he was trying to reassure me that I was safe. "He can not harm any longer."

I cleared my throat and dislodged the lump only enough to manage a whisper. I licked my lips and cleared my throat again, but that did nothing to help the lump. "Yes, but his cronies are still out and about," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I have to worry about them."

Miza shook his head. "You are protected," he said. "You don't have to worry about them because they will not land a hand on you. Skylar and I will make sure of that."

"But aren't you upset with me?" I asked, my voice still soft. "Because I forgot about you?" I studied him and bit my lip hard. I had no idea why I was upset when Miza hadn't answered yet, even though his gaze turned soft while he studied me.

Miza shook his head and tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear that had fallen out of my ponytail. before he rested his hand on my cheek, and I buried my face closer to his warmth. "I know that you didn't mean to forget about me," he said, his voice soft. "I have never blamed you like I had never blamed your "sister," Katie. I knew that it was for both of your safety for you to forget about the world that you two had been a part of far longer than you had thought."

"Promise?" I asked, my voice slightly muffled because I had my mouth close to his hand that cupped my cheek. I clutched my pillow tighter and waited for his answer, praying that he wasn't. I stared at him with wide eyes and watched a soft smile appear on his lips.

"I promise."

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