What Happened?

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Hey guys It's me again just wanted to let you know I have a roblox account Here's the name


Yeah that's it 


On to The Chapter!



So you wanna Know Why i said I hate Allura Well I'll show you

a little before I bumped into Shiro I heard Allura talking in another room then I heard corran's 

voice But It was Very loud so I went to check on them to see if everything was okay so I walked 

to the door but i listened just to make sure if i should go in there and what I heard Shocked Me


" B-But Princess!!! SH-SHI- "

" NO BUTS I Am Going to get him even if i have to kill shiro MYSELF!!!! "

" *Sigh* Yes Princess "

What The Hell?!?!?!?!?!

Why Would She Do That?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I Took A step backwards away from the door and began to walk away to the training room and 

then I bumped into Shiro

Allura (the bitch)POV

He Is MINE and I will get Him SHIRO no matter what I have To do 




Lance POV

I swear to god Allura if you touch him I will kill you myself

Shiro POV

I don't know why but for some reason I keep feeling like Allura is glaring at me when I'm not 

looking, and Lance has been avoiding her at all costs.....I wonder what's happening between 

those two

                                                                  But I'm going to find out

Hey guys It's the Author here, I want to say something, here it goes, I'm gay, I'm sorry if you are homophobic and don't like gays, if you don't like gays and just came here to hate then fuck off, No one wants to be friends with you if you constantly criticize people on who they love and their beliefs 

Until next time readers!

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