going to the same school as them

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This is only for some because we can't do it for jasper or gwen sorry ya'll


-Cute PDA
-not kissing and stuff more like arms around each other and hand holding
-he likes showing you off
-definently trouble makers but no one  really puts you in trouble (the teachers)
-Sharing snacks at lunch
-partnering up for everything that involves partner work
-having to sneak him out of ISS (in school suspension)
-sad when you get sick and cant come to school
-This boy will protect you at all costs and will piss off on someone if they dare hurt you in anyway


-After camp He became a guidance counselor at Max's school and you where a teacher (choose whatever type of teacher you want)
-Cute smiles in the hallway to each other
-Him walking past your classroom slowly on purpose
-he always has his arm around you in the teachers break room couch when you have lunch together
-both of you knowing each other's work schedules
-you coming down to his office to say hi every so often
-max is an ass when he catches you two
-you both don't care hes just playing ya'll got used to it at camp
-Everyone ships you guys
-Also Cuties

-the fun kind of couple in class
-always laughing
-if the teacher splits you up you find ways to communicate
-paper airplanes are a must
-Always partners in projects
-She will get defensive if someone tries being mean to you
-Some people are accepting others aren't but you two couldn't give a fuck
-Proud of who you are
-The gays new otp
-max will also get defensive if anyone bothers you guys
-Doing each other's hair for no reason in lunch or on the gym field outside
-Leaders of the Gay Straight alliance

-Akward couple
-He will hold your hand somtimes and walk you to class but thats really kinda it
-he doesn't really know what to do
-public place's scare him
-he only likes science class
-you have English and lunch together
-Will get defensive though if anyone says anything rude
-Hes a good boyfriend just a shy guy
(Sorry guys i really don't know how to write Neil)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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