Chapter 5

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 Lauren jumped at the sound of her phone vibrating. She'd been sat in her office, the blinds drawn as she worked on some paperwork. Her concentration broken, she picked up her phone, smiling slightly when she saw Camila's name.

"Hi," Lauren smiled, leaning back in her chair.

'Hi! So I'm just about to leave now," Camila told Lauren.

"Um, Camila this is Lauren," Lauren replied, confused as to why Camila was calling her this late.

"I- I know? I thought we, um, were going to the zoo today?" Lauren could hear the confusion and questions in Camila's voice.

"Today? Wha- it's Friday night," Lauren told her, frowning as she picked up her coffee and took a sip.

"It's nine o'clock on Saturday morning, are you okay?" Camila asked, slightly concerned. Lauren frowned, clicking the button to raise the blinds covering the windows as she swiveled her chair around. She winced as bright sunlight streamed in, momentarily blinding her.

"What the fuck," Lauren hissed, spinning her chair around so the sun was to her back, "sorry, excuse me". She could hear Camila laughing on the other end as she blinked away the black spots on her eyes.

"Um, just give me a minute," Lauren told Camila, all but running to her bathroom, "I'll meet you outside the zoo?"

"We can reschedule if you want," Camila offered.

"No, no, I'll see you soon," Lauren promised, saying goodbye and stepping under the hot water.

After a shower so quick that it even surprised Lauren, she ran to her closet, pulling out the first thing her hands fell on. Within twenty minutes she was rushing out of her apartment, sliding into the back seat of her car as the driver shut the door behind her.


"Sorry I'm late," Lauren apologized as she walked over to Camila, who smiled at the sight of her.

"It's no problem," Camila waved away her apology, holding a coffee out towards Lauren, "I didn't know if you'd had enough time to get a coffee. Cappuccino right?"

"Yes, thank you," Lauren smiled gratefully, taking a sip.

"I already bought our tickets," Camila told her, holding out two pieces of paper to the woman in the booth, who waved them through.

"Thank you," Lauren smiled, contemplating whether or not try and offer Camila some money to reimburse her. She didn't want to offend her, but Lauren wasn't used to people buying things for her, she'd always paid her own way; one of the perks of having money.

"You look tired. Late night?" Camila asked, sipping her own coffee as she led them through the tunnel and into the zoo.

"Mm, paperwork, and lots of it," Lauren explained, "I didn't realize how much time had passed when you called."

"Wait, you haven't slept all night?" Camila said sharply, turning to face Lauren.

"I'm a bit of a night owl," Lauren shrugged, "sometimes when I can't sleep I catch up on some paperwork."

"We could've just rescheduled," Camila said, taking in Lauren's weary expression, faint shadows under her eyes that weren't completely covered by her makeup.

Lauren snorted, "please, one sleepless night never harmed anyone. Besides, I believe you promised me hand-holding?"

Camila smiled, reaching out and taking Lauren's hand, intertwining their fingers. Lauren blinked in surprise, staring down at her hand clutched in Camila's, and Camila's smile dropped as her eyes widened.

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