[File 14 - Alert]

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     In the middle there Luck stood, organizing the confused crowd of grunts around as they hustled to get to the top decks immediately. Another set of intruders had appeared on their ship, it appears their defenses have been broken by their gym leader ally.

     "Don't let any one of them get through! We mustn't let them into the lower decks!" the admin shouted as she eyed for anyone that was lagging behind. Soon enough, they were all able to scatter throughout the ship.

     The Plasma member then gave an exhale of short frustration. She was about to head to the upper deck to check on them, but was stopped by an echoing voice.

     "You there!" She turned her head to see one of the Seven Sages, Zinzolin.

     "Sir. What do you need?"

     "You're the person Colress was mentioning, correct? I need you by my side, those trainers aren't holding back and we need to survey Kyurem. They might be after them for all we know." there was a subtle tilt to the head and twitch of her brow, but she obliged.

     The two began to make their way to the higher inner deck. There held five electrical barricades in case of any intruders, that also had a device near it in order to allow entry. The computer had specific passwords in which all members of Plasma were to know.

     The passwords were able to be put in and allowed them to go through, but not before setting up the barriers once more.

     Upon arrival, there held a singular room that laid just a space above the room that Kyurem is held. A huge generator was occupying most of the grated floor. A small space in the center was implemented in order to keep track of Kyurem.

     Luck stood to the side of the area as the purple coated man was eyeing the legendary. Her stance was idle, hands behind her back, and legs apart at an average distance. Occasionally she would glance down to the Boundary Pokémon.

     It was standing in its small confinement, barely moving as its body only twitched in tiny parts. It hurt to see this Pokémon be used in this way, as a tool for conquest and power, and not treated as its own living being. It saddens her to know that she won't be able to help it within her current state.

     Something perked her ears, the sound of electricity had stopped generating. Her eyes grew wide, knowing what that could've meant. She grimaced as she knew the grunts weren't able to handle them.

     "Zinzolin sir, the barriers have been deactivated, they'll get through any second!" Luck began to clutch onto a Pokeball, as Zinzolin glanced at her.

     "Let them pass. They're nothing but pesky trainers, we'll exterminate them."

     Once he said that phrase, that's when the sound of footsteps were heard clearly to their left. There stood a trainer on the teleporter, much younger than they, intricate pigtails and a bright fashion choice. Luck merely made a single glance to her.

     The sage turned around, eager to show them the legendary that was encased underneath them. Stating the blasts caused in Opelucid City were thanks to the creature along with their technology. He then began to speak in a rather confident tone.

     "Well... You could become a threat to Team Plasma, so we will eliminate you here!" This phrase caused the admin to fully turn her attention to the lone trainer, taking the Pokeball off of her belt.

     "Not with me around, you won't!" A familiar voice was heard as the other trainer looked behind her. It was the same person at Chargestone Cave, who came in to battle alongside her.

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