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Will: 23

Mike: 24


Will Byers was sitting in the room, reading a book peacefully. Things were really tense these past few weeks, but he just needed some time away from that. "Hey..." He heard a familiar voice say.

He looked up from reading and smiled. " Hey...wait, aren't you supposed to be downstairs?" Will asked. "Yeah but.. it's so exhausting! I mean- your mom and my mom and fighting over what kind of flowers should be at the wedding! freaking flowers, Will! Is that really what they care about? God!" He flopped down on the bed.

"Well, they just want everything to be perfect, Mike. But...I agree. Mom can go a bit overboard when it comes to decorating." Will chuckled.

Mike smiled. Seeing the love of his life be happy always made him happy. Will ran his fingers through Mike's hair. "I love you..." He said softly. Mike looked at Will and smiled lightly and said. "I love you too."

He sat beside Will and asked, "What you reading?" "Honestly? literally anything, just to get away from hearing constant bickering around the house." Will said jokingly.

"I know right? tell me about it." Mike muttered. He just sat there, admiring Will. The shorter boy was looking at the book but said, "I can feel you staring at me, you know that, right?" He asked.

"I'm sorry, I just...I sometimes can't believe my life is so perfect. I mean- I have an amazing house, a job that pays well, and the love of my life who I'm getting married to in a few months. It all seems like a dream..." Mike said fondly. He intertwined his fingers with Will's.

Will looked at their hands. "Hey...crazy together forever, right?" He looked up when he heard Mike ask that. "Yeah, crazy together forever." He placed a soft kiss on Mike's lips.

They pulled away abruptly when they heard a loud knock on the door. "Guys? We need you out here." They heard Nancy say in a hurry. Mike reluctantly opened the door and sighed. "What is it, Nance?"



I fucking LOVE wedding AU'S

--Bylerstuff <3

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