Help Me Become Somebody Else

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"So this is—unh, yes!—your place, huh?" Stiles muses, panting harshly as he breaks away from Derek's slick mouth. "It looks nice. Cozy."

Derek bites Stiles' lip is retaliation for leaving. He drags both of his hands up Stiles' body, cradling his face and dragging him back in for a searing kiss. He spins them around, kicking his leg backward to slam the door shut before spinning again and manhandling Stiles up against it.

"Fuck, I love it when you do that," Stiles whispers, eyes intent on Derek's small grin.

"I love doing it," Derek says quietly, stepping closer into Stiles' space until there's nothing but sexual tension and their pesky clothes between them.

At that earnest declaration, Stiles' heart leaps. He knows that what they have together is new and sizzling hot, but hearing Derek say that makes Stiles have hope that he isn't so alone in his feelings.

Because as hilarious and crass it is to say he fell in love with Derek while he had the man's dick in his mouth, he absolutely means it.

The guy is gorgeous, built, and utterly bangable—but he's also cocky and shy, a little bit grumpy and a little bit sad. Stiles has chipped away at him this past month, but it still feels like there's a disconnect. Like there's a whole lot that Derek isn't saying. Maybe it's what Scott told him last week about their relationship being weird.

Being one-sided.

Maybe it's the fact that Derek keeps giving him those secret little smiles, or the fact that he meets up with Stiles from the library at nights so he doesn't have to walk alone to his Jeep.

Whatever it is, the hope in his chest makes him realize he just needs to get real for a second and fucking ask.

So he does.

"Do you like me?"

Shit, that sounds like he's been transported back to high school. He quickly touches his shaggy hair to make sure it isn't actually buzzed again.

Derek stops sucking on his neck and gives him a strange look. "Of course I like you." He looks around the apartment like it should be obvious. "You're in my de—home."

Stiles lets out a slow breath and avoids eye contact. "Then why won't you give me your number?" he mumbles.

Derek freezes, shoulders hunching slightly before he grabs ahold of Stiles' chin. "It really means that much to you, doesn't it?"

Stiles shrugs. "Yeah, I mean, I want to talk to you like all the time. And you not wanting to do the same...I just, I dunno." Stiles swallows, trying to dislodge the heart in his throat. "I thought maybe you didn't feel the same. That you don't see us the way that I do."

"Oh, baby," Derek breathes, resting his forehead against Stiles'. Stiles watches the tops of his ears turn bright red. "I don't have a phone."


Wait, what?

"That...makes no sense."

Derek sighs. "Stiles, I don' to people. At all. When I want to see my family or if they want to see me, I drive the 5 minutes it takes to visit them. My friends all live in this building. I work from home on my laptop. I don't like talking and I've never had a reason to get a phone before." He bites his lip, looking embarrassed. "I've been alone for a long time."

Derek looks Stiles over decisively, running his hands soothingly over Stiles' shoulders.

Stiles can't breathe.

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