Dealing with Tragedy

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Over the past few days i have debated on whether or not i would post an update like this, part of me feels like it's a personal matter and it should stay that way while the other part of me feels like you guys should be updated at least somewhat to where i have been.

To get an idea on what has been happening i want to give a little backstory, Most of you know that i took a very long break in between Chapter 5 and 6, this was due to a lot of things happening in my life including a very serious injury that could have left me paralyzed.

Eventually i got around to writing Chapter 6 and after staying up all night getting it done i uploaded it here for you guys, i fell asleep and when i woke up the first thing i did was check my Twitter. Someone who had my story up to that point DMed me and started talking with me whenever i had it open.

After we talked for a while and learning more about each other we began dating and it made my days a lot easier to deal with.

However she was very sick, she had cancer and eventually she ended up in the hospital although we still managed to talk for a while.

I found out a few days ago that she sadly passed away from the cancer, it as you can imagine has effected me heavily and made my days bleak and very difficult.

I need time to collect myself and figure out what i should do with my life now, she was my everything and even though our time together was short i cherish it more than anything.

I want to make this post first off by thanking you guys, life is a funny thing, you guys have been patient with me and have supported this story the entire time and if you guys hadn't done that we might have never met. So again thank you for always supporting this story and give me a reason to continue writing.

I also want to say that even though i am dealing with this write now and it's really difficult it does not mean i will stop writing this story and others, i want to come back to writing at some point and all i ask is that you guys understand if there is not an update for a bit. i'm just not in the mindset to write currently and my heart hurts too much to attempt to write right now.

I hope you all understand and again thank you so much for everything you guys have done up until this point, i love you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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