George - 1

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Shoutout to my dumbass thinking Sap's irl name was David and I had to go back and switch it to Nick smh

    George didn't have time to wake up peacefully when the tree next to him slammed him away from where he lay. The hard bark shoved into his arm, digging into his exposed skin. He couldn't focus, he didn't know what the hell was happening. All he knew was to get out. He managed to pull out the strength to roll himself out of the way from the shifting tree onto the dust ground. Without time to process what had just happened, another tree slammed into him, rolling him forward, the bark now digging into his side, ripping his shirt to shreds. He thought it was a dream, and kept telling himself to wake up, but it hurt too much to be a dream. He'd like to believe it was, but if he let the trees juggle him around for much longer, he wouldn't be waking up.
     Grasping the sides of the moving tree, he swung his upper body towards the left, away from where the tree was moving. He didn't swing himself too far, not to get knocked off of his feet only to be taken away by another tree. As he launched himself out of the tree's path, he spun in the air quickly and landed on his feet. Scared to see what would happen if he stayed still for too long, George picked up his pace and, with the little vision he had, ran forward to what seemed like a clear pathway.
    He didn't know exactly when to slow down, but he had to get as far away from those trees as possible. What kind of trees moved? The ones on the sides of his didn't seem to move, so with that, he started to slow down. He couldn't see much, just a light in front of him, Deprerate, he approached it quickly, but was halted by something grabbing his hand. George froze, and quickly turned around. There was a person grabbing him, but he couldn't see any features, they just seemed hidden in the shadows.
    George started to ask the person a million questions, but his arm was yanked forward to where his face was directly in front of the others. There was a flash of light from somewhere, and in that time, he saw that the person grabbing his hand was... him.
    With a high pitched scream, Geroge ripped his hand out of the grasp of whatever the thing was. Him? He didn't know what to call it, but it didn't matter, for he booked it opposite of where the shadow was standing.Turns out the path he was on wasn't that clear, for he didn't get too far before tripping on something, probably a tree root, and tumbled over, falling down what seemed like a hill.
    George's heart raced; he didn't know how far the drop was or if there was even water at the bottom. Without a thought, he dug his feet into the ground to halt his landing, which only sent him spinning out of control. Everytime he crashed onto the ground, rocks dug into his skin, impaling his sides. After digging his nails into the ground, he straightened himself out just enough to hit the ground on his back.
Everything hurt; he could barely feel his legs.        Nothing urged him to move, there was no motivation for anything. All there were were questions; why was he here? What was this place? What was happening?
    What am I doing? He thought, as a cool breeze hit his body. He couldn't tell if he was just placed in this place or walked himself into it. The funny thing is, he couldn't remember yesterday, or the day before that. Nothing came back, it was as if he had no memory. There were vague memories remaining, but they were all blurry blobs of color. He recalled his name, George, but no clue on his last name. He knew about himself, but at the same time he didn't. Memory was flogged, nothing was going right, and his head was throbbing.
    Opening his eyes, trees didn't cover his vision. He could see the sky, but there were no stars, only a moon. Well, it looked like the moon. It didn't have any gray patches, just one flat color. Maybe that was how the moon was supposed to look, he couldn't remember.
    There was a sound coming from above him, but he was too tired to even move. It might have been a tree shifting, however the plants managed to do that. He thought about the trees getting up and walking on it's roots, which was a funny thought, made him chuckle. This whole thing had to be a joke, if only we could wake up. If he could move that would also be great, but the pain was too much. Maybe he was just paralized, then something would take him away. There had to be something living in whatever place this was, besides moving trees.
    He thought about a bird eating him out, like that one Greek myth.
    George stopped thinking. What Greek myth? The knowledge fled away, forgetting what he was thinking about. It didn't make sense, nothing did.
    The sound in the woods got louder. Leaves were being crushed and George was just laying ontop of some rocks. Nothing processed clearly, so he decided to let it go. Maybe the thing out there would eat him. The will to live left his body, there was nothing to do. Survival couldn't be reached, he just broke half of his body.
The weather was nice.
Everything was so quiet.
He closed his eyes.
He didn't realise he did.
He wanted to open them.
He didn't open them.
He was tired.
Maybe he was too tired.
He tried again.
He couldn't open them.
It was a peaceful slumber through. He didn't know if he fell asleep, or if sleeping was the right term. He couldn't focus on the racket happening around him, but there was a loud crash beside him. Maybe it was beside him, it might have been farther away. He couldn't understand anything in the situation.
He could feel his body shake. There was a soft voice in the distance.
"Holy shit Clay, it's another one!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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