Chapter 1

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"Damn Jack this labor pain ain't no joke" "push baby you can do it remember we Mitchell's we not quitters so push and let that shit ride"," ok baby!" Jackie screamed to the top of her lungs and in 22 minutes jaleesa renae Mitchell was born, charity hospital downtown new orleans jack and Jackie leave the hospital for home with a beautiful 7lbs baby girl. I grew up in the streets but hey I love where I come from I learned a lot of pain and struggle but made me the hustler I an today. "Good morning jaleesa" good morning Joan how are you, fine I guess, "how was your weekend did you get a chance to complete your bank training on robberies", not really, I don't think anyone will ever rob this bank this is a small town and we all know each other very well. I hate my fucking job this is so lame but I had to get out the life or I wasn't gonna see another day so I work in a boreing bank if I never learned anything from jack, I learned ain't nobody gonna do a damn thing in this world for you, so get out there and make that bread even if you have to take it baby girl. Thank you god 5pm let me punch this clock and go to "chillax" for a stiff drink and some hot wings maybe I will also find a stiff one, so I call tiffany and KIA my two ride or die chicas I met when I moved to the small town of horn lake 10years ago they not citiy chicks but when I blew through this joint I put them up on game and made them real ass O.G ass we meet up at the spot and it's dead as usual, so I strut my $750 Gucci boots up to the bar and might my add my bob was on fleek I ask the bartender for a corona and a patron shot, for some reason the smell of an expensive men's cologne just slapped me in the face before I could turn around and see where it came from a deep voice penetrated my ears "excuse me beautiful lady, your leaning on my jacket" oh I'm sorry, I looked up and I almost pissed myself this nigga was fine as hell he was every bit if 6'5 with light Brown eyes and I am never at a loss for words but I was speechlees, I'm good as long as he doesn't smile, I'm praying I can just walk away from the bar without passing out so here comes the slow ass bartender I dig into my back pocket for my spare $20 I always keep, he gently touched my wrist and said "no let me take care of that, you should never have to pay for anything as pretty as you are" I think I was stuttering but I finally got my words out "I prefer to pay my own way and that's how I was raised", he said "well you were raised right,what are the chances of me gettin your number"....."ummmm I ammm such a busy person I really don't have time to nurture a relationship right now", "who said anything bout a relationship" all I could say was "my bad", I picked up my drinks and flew to my table. When i got back to the table tiffany said "what hell is wrong with you girl you look flushed and you have brown skin" as she chuckled, KIA asked me what happened I told her I've just met this pretty as nigga at the bar and he asked me for my number and I turned him down, an in angry voice KIA said "why would you do that leesa you haven't been in a descent healthy relationship since James" wait a minute please don't ruin the evening by mentioning his name, lying ass cheating ass no good lowdown .." wait.. stop, come back sista girl he gone now move on and get a real deal nigga with paper and some killa Dick"..shut up tiffany, that's all you think about is money and Dick and don't have neither one, we all laughed so hard and continued our drinks and buffalo wings. "This night was a blast" said tiffany, ikr, I was thinking the samething. Ok... who is driving? " Nobody better not be driving we all pretty much smashed" said KIA as she stumbled through the parking lot, I'm just standing there staring into space and tiff is throwing her guts up "do you ladies have reliable transportation?" All I could come up with was..were working on it, well let me help you...ummmm ok, "you never told me your name" you never asked besides my name is jaleesa but my friends call me leesa "what's up with those digits" he asked, as he looked directly into my eyes. I'm thinking to myself I have nothing to loose why not he is sexy as hell and he smells like a million bucks, ok I will give you my number under one condition " what's that " this is just casual nothing major or too fast, he replied " I can agree to that " ok I said nervous as hell, 10 minutes later the taxi pulls up and he handed me his phone " put your number in my phone" I put my name and number in, and pushed my drunk ass girls into the taxi I was so nervous I jump in the car and forgot to ask him his name, damn what the fuck I don't even know his name, well if he calls I will have to play it off. I stumbled to my home beautiful cottage style, hardwood floors, marble counter tops, and enough room to house a whole family but yet I'm lonely and when I turn the key nobody to come home to, nobody calling me momma, and no backrub at the end if a long hard day, damn I'm miserable oh well I guess I will take a long hot bath and hug my pillows in my king size bed, I also just bought fresh batteries,"hey" don't judge me it's been a year. Beep Beep Beep ugh time to rise and shine, I hate this clock, I blast my music 7 am I must be on time, I think I can be ready in two hours I have a real nasty hangover but I gotta pay for this lifestyle i gotta maintain I'm a Mitchell we never fall off new orleans run through my veins I came out my momma a thug and I been grinding since I learned how to talk...I give myself this pep talk every morning and it gets my ass off to work everyday. I pulled up to first national bank in my bright red beamer I'm single no kids I can afford anything my heart desires, I grab my new python berkin bag and head into my office and shut the door trying to avoid these irritating co workers, four years of college at LSU gave me a beautifu

l life....besides jack made me leave the city and he is still there running shit like he was born to do.

This is the longest day ever, well at least it's lunch time I think habatchi is a good idea maybe tiff is available she works for herself as a cosmologists so I called her, bitch meet me at Japan time.

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