Chapter One

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Side by side, barely inches apart, while swaying back and forth touching other people slightly. It was all apart of the line dance. However tonight there were so many people it was almost impossible to dance all of the moves, let alone show off. But the group of good friends were having the time of their lives anyway. They had been coming to this club together for about two months. It was a great pass time and they loved learning to grow more confidence by other kinds of dancing as well. Two certain hands brushed by each other multiple times. This was the first night that this had ever happened.

    Kay had been shutting down this guy for so long. She had clear other interests that she had expressed several times. But different things had happened during the week and it made this tonight end up a little differently than she thought. Matthew had been crushing on Kay for awhile now. Although he tried to flirt with other girls, his eyes seemed to wander back to her more often than not. Although he had to openly admit the other females in the group were attractive too. Brooke and Makaih were great girls and he really was starting to value their friendship. But Kay and Matthew had more history than the others truly knew.

    He more than anything, wanted that shot with her. At one point he thought he had it, but just like always, it didn't end up the way he wanted it. But the way it had ended, wasn't bad at all. They were good friends that talked all of the time. They even flirted together more often than not. But that's all it was. So it did upset Matthew sometimes but he had learned to just live with it for the time being. In the back of his mind, he hoped that she would catch the same feelings somehow. Although he always felt like if she was going too, she would have already, and he also fully believed she was talking to someone else.

    Yet here they were in the middle of the crowd touching hands. Felt somewhat like high school although they were all at least 20. Kay stood in front of Matthew. She allowed him to grab her hips a little bit and her hands. He was enjoying the moment as it lasted. And the night was still half young. He looked around seeing Brooke. Smiling over at her as he leaned slightly over to slap her ass gently. She gave him a playful glare and laugh. He wondered if this action ever bothered Kay. She never showed that it did and he knew he could get away with it from Brooke. He loved to slap Kay's ass even more. It was pretty big and she was learning how to control it while she danced. He also couldn't help but stare at her breast which were clearly on display. He noticed she always came dressed up in clothes she would never wear normally. However, she always looked good and showed just enough without being over board.

    Tonight's outfit however was very flattering on her. Made her ass look a little bigger and stomach a little smaller. Although her belly never bothered him, let alone on any other girl as well. But honestly, Matthew was attracted to everybody. He kept his options open that way he could find what personality suited him the best. Although everytime he felt a good connection with the opposite sex, they ended up not recipicating it back. He couldn't help but remember the first time they had met face to face. He shook the thought away.

    "Alright, I need a break, I am so sweaty," Kay stated as she turned around to see Matthew. She wiped her forehead knowing her makeup was going to rub off. But she didn't care. She began to walk away to find her water. The other friends followed in suit watching the brown hair lady off the dance floor.

    "Let's go find Alex and play some pool," Brooke mentioned as she walked. Their eyes collectively scanned around finally finding the oldest member of the group. He had his cowboy hat on watching his friend dance along with the strangers. He danced sometimes, but even more when the alcohol was starting to kick in. He definitely was not at that point yet. He made eye contact with Brooke and headed their way.

    They all made a beeline to the pool tables to snatch one before it was taken. They were in luck and grabbed the one in the back corner which they normally played at. Kay grabbed the quarters out of her pocket to go pay for the game. The guys quickly moved to set the balls into the triangle. Makiah quickly headed for the couch to sit down. She had no problem sitting this game out to rest.

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