6.1K 168 646

!"speaking"- Blue speaking

!'thinking'!- Blue thinking

"Speaking -Classic speaking

"Thinking"- Classic thinking

@ "speaking"@ Geno speaking

% "speaking"% Fresh talking

*everyone will talk like Ink but I will make sure to make who's talking is obvious

Previously:Error was fed pancakes, had a bath, and was praised by Dream. Dream on the other hand got to hold Error's hand, gave him a bath, got to jerk off-*Ahem*, relieve himself of tension when he heard Error's moans and praised Error rather aggressively. They later cuddled for a good while until someone disturbed them. On with the story~

Author's POV

Ink had burst into the room with urgency to tell Error something only to see Dream and Error...


'That lucky Bastard-'

"InK?" Error let go of Dream, much to Dream's protest, and went to Ink.

"WhAT ArE YOu DoiNG HeRE? DIDN't YOu haVE A mEEtInG wiTH ThE COunCIL?" questioned Error.

"Yeah that's been taken care of. And now you're going to meet the council in a week!" Error panicked when Ink said that. Error. Himself. Was going to see the council. The ones that hurt him. The ones that made him cry. The ones that smiled when he cried out mercy! Dream noticed immediately that Error was having a panic attack and gave Ink a look. Ink scooped up Error and sat on his bed, rubbing Errors back to calm him down. Dream whispered calming words to help him with his panic attack. And it was working.

"Error. It's ok. Breathe. None of them is going to hurt you. Not when we're around. We'll make sure they won't touch you at the meeting. We promise." As Error has calmed down, he never realized that he clung to Ink, tightly. Ink felt warmth coming off of Error. He loved this feeling. The best part is that he could feel it without his vials. Once Error calmed down enough, Dream snatched Error out of Ink's arms and laid him down on the bed.

"Stay down for now. You need to recover." Error gave a thankful smile. Dream looked at Ink after Error was comfortable.

"So, what happened at the meeting? How did they react?" Dream questioned.


~ Flashback to the meeting ~

Everyone in the council room was silent. Which was very unusual. By now, they were usually screaming at each other but as soon as Ink walked in the all became dead silent. They could all see the artist was upset about something. He even looked furious! One council member bravely decided to speak up.

"So... why did you call an emergency meeting Ink?" said Raven(Birdtale Sans). Ink looked at Raven with this dark look for his podium. Raven instinctively flinched back. That look screamed danger to him. Shit. What did they do this time!

"Ink, what happened? You looked guilty. Please just tell us to get it out of your system." Said Classic. Classic, THE original Sans, was blunt most of the time. He didn't hide what he felt about you or what is the right way to do things. He was the TRUE judge out of all of them. It became an unwritten rule for the council to follow Classic as to being the first Sans. Before Ink could get a word in, Edge(underfell Papyrus) interrupted.

"Is this about the damn Destroyer" questioned Edge.

Ink immediately clenched his fist in guilt and rage. The others in the council, except five Sanses,  started bad mouthing the destroyer.

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