Chapter One: Part Three

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Fingertips just tracing the dirt. It was no longer fresh since the burial months ago but now dry and hard like the rest of the land however Emmy's fingers drew pictures in the earth her slender back resting against the makeshift cross representing where her father had been buried. She no longer cried as she sat beside the grave it was more almost peaceful now well as peaceful as it could get. At least once a day she would go sit by her father just before the daily chores began now from the graveyard Emmy could see the entire place the far fields that used to be almost beyond the eyes could reach were gone instead the fence brought so close she could see the entirety of the fencing and how it surrounded them. So much was lost that day many months ago the took what they could salvage of what was left but it wasn't much though at this point it had to be enough for them.

"Em!" Sarah's voice caught her out of deep thought as she screamed for the brunette "Em!"

"What's wrong?" Emmy was quick to her feet since the girl's frantic behaviour.

"Its Elenor, Em hurry!" Emmy's eyes widened Elenor was one of the four cows they had left after most of them were ploughed down. It was a miracle Elenor survived since she was pregnant. Her father had been taking extra care of her to see the pregnancy through and after he passed Emmy had been doing the same as best as she could. Without another word she got up and followed after Sarah their feet pounding against the dirt as the pair ran for the fields. She wasn't sure what to expect from Sarah's vagueness but Emmy just hoped everything was okay more losses weren't something they could handle at the moment but the petite young woman couldn't help but smile. There in the field was Elenor and her newly born calf suckling at her teat. After everything lost finally something good, a new life brought into this uncertain mess of a world but none the less the calf was alive and well.

"It's a boy, Em" Sarah followed Emmy's gaze "we lost two pregnant cows when everything happened Elenor was our last one and look" Sarah couldn't seem to reframe the smile on her face.

"My dad would be pleased" Emmy crossed her arms and let them rest on the wooden fence separating the cows and them.

"He would, wouldn't he? Gosh, my mother would be horrified if she knew I was out here getting my hands dirty" Sarah let out a light laugh over the idea "you were lucky Em, not all of us had the time or even that kind of love from our parents but you... Your dad loved you more than anything I never met your mum but I can assume she was the same."

Emmy slowly nodded "she was.. And I know how lucky I am some people" he mind couldn't help but flicker to her friends "some people don't have anyone but I know how lucky I am to have had what I did..." Emmy's eyes shifted to the mousy brunette beside her "I am sorry though, Sarah about your mum I know she wasn't... The best but at the end of the day she was still your mum."

"Its okay, Em maybe if my mother would have taken care of herself instead of just relying on everyone. Maybe trained she would still be here" Sarah attempted to shrug it off.

"Oh Em you're here" the southern drawl caught Emmy's attention away from Sarah to the tall woman walking over to them," I told Sarah to run and get you when it first started but she was a little distracted on seeing a calf I guess" Daisy laughed.

" It's okay. I am just happy to see him. Thank you for stepping up by the way Daisy. Without my dad here we didn't really have anyone to take care of the animals" Emmy expressed her gratitude giving the woman a small smile.

"Everyone had to step up really didn't they... I mean look at you Em our now leader and nurse of the group" Daisy spoke nudging her arm playfully at the shorter girl.

Emmy scoffed "I guess we all really had to step up in one way or another. There aren't many of us left now after all" Emmy couldn't help but chuckle at the shitty situation.

"We do what we can that's all we can do" Sarah placed a comforting hand on Emmy's shoulder.

"Survive it's all we can do really isn't it?" Daisy spoke leaning her shoulder on the fence beside the girls.

"Survive and hope one day... One day there will be something better to come" Emmy couldn't help her usual hope-filled manner.

"Anyway... What do you want to name this little guy?" Daisy quickly changed topic looking between the two brunettes.

"I was thinking... Danny..." Emmy replied as the three girls continued to watch the little black and white calf. The newest member to their now small surviving community.

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