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name: Kieron  Shadow

Nickname: the Strike , Strike freedom, the dark shadow, oncoming storm

Gender: gender Male

Age 20

species: Autonomous

sexuality: bi

height: 8'2 "

skin tone: White, Red and Blue

bod type: unknown

eye colour: Red


name: Kieron  ShadowNickname: the Strike , Strike freedom, the dark shadow, oncoming stormGender: gender MaleAge 20species: Autonomoussexuality: biheight: 8'2 "skin tone: White, Red and Bluebod type: unknowneye colour: Redlook

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 personality:  Kieron is a nice guy he can be kind, cearing, happy, nice  and flirty at times but when people get on his bad side he can be angry, rude, mean

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 personality:  Kieron is a nice guy he can be kind, cearing, happy, nice  and flirty at times but when people get on his bad side he can be angry, rude, mean

Like: , a good fight, adventurer, exploring, moves, tv, cartoons, games, anime and more

Dislikes: bullies and more

 back ground: Kieron  was a Autonomous  used to fight in the old earth wars he was  a strong and fast one but when the void came  it affect him   as it made him make a human Hologram of him self that he can use to talk and meet people 

after the war Kieron left to Travel  and hope to start a new life some where

Kieron hologram formL

Kieron hologram formL

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hobbies: playing video games, wating tv, watching anime,  relaxing   learning new things, helping  people



A piece of equipment designed to increase the Strike's defensive capability, it is mounted on the left forearm and/or handheld.

57mm High-energy Beam Rifle

The Strike's primary ranged weapon, it can be stored on the side skirt armor

2 lazer swords

the  Striker pack 

The AQM/E-X01 Aile Striker is the most commonly equipped Striker pack for the Strike as it provides the greatest versatility. Thanks to the powerful vernier thrusters built into the Aile Striker, the Strike Gundam becomes an all purpose combat mobile suit with enhanced speed and maneuverability compared to its base capabilities. Despite the strength of the thrusters, they do not perform well enough for true flight capabilities inside Earth's atmosphere. However, they do allow the Strike to glide in the air for a short time and enhance its jumping capabilities to the point that it can combat mobile suits on Guuls that are flying low. Besides the standard armament of the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam, the Aile Striker pack adds a pair of beam sabers to the suit's armament.

 Besides the standard armament of the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam, the Aile Striker pack adds a pair of beam sabers to the suit's armament

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The Sword Strike is a mobile suit designed for close quarters combat, thus making it the most suitable choice in an area where little collateral damage can be risked such as in a colony interior, or within the hanger of an allied base. Besides the armament mounted on the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam itself (which includes head-mounted CIWS guns and combat knifes), the Sword Striker adds a large anti-ship sword, a rocket anchor and a beam boomerang to the armament of the suit. Of all the Striker Packs available for the Strike, Sword Striker is the lightest. It also has the highest combat endurance as its energy consumption is the lowest, and can be used for aquatic combat as all of its weapon, except the beam boomerang, can be used underwater.

 It also has the highest combat endurance as its energy consumption is the lowest, and can be used for aquatic combat as all of its weapon, except the beam boomerang, can be used underwater

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