Sound of His Heartbeat

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HetalianGirl06 This is a song I made by myself; it's supposed to be a fast tempo until the last two parts. I really hope you like it!


The sound of his heart beat goes
Bum bum bum
The sound of his blood coursing goes
Boom boom boom

The sound of your heart heart heart
The feel of your hands hands hands
Makes me go
Oh oh oh

Even though we've never met before
I'm blushing right now
Arranged or not
It doesn't matter
Just let me in and love you

Cuz the sound of your heart heart heart
The feel of your hands hands hands
Makes me go
Wow wow wow
Makes me go
Yes yes yes

Sure we were rivals at first glance
But as these months go by
I find myself admiring you
There's no one who can compare

Your eyes, your blush, your lips, your personality
I can't get enough of you
The sound of your heart beat
It makes me fall in love even more

But then why must we be separated
Why must love be cast away
All for eternity
Hold me one last time

The sound of your heart beat beat
Bum bum
The feel of your hands hands hands
It made me go 'oh wow yes'
But love will never be enough
So until we meet again
My mind will think back to the

'The sound of your heart heart heart
The feel of your hands hands hands
Makes me go
Wow wow wow
Makes me go
Yes yes yes'

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