Suspicious Training...?

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Narrator's voice: on the next time of dragon ball Super, Goku challenges Merus to a battle to help him learn the ways of ultra instincts better. Will Merus help him or do he has other plans? Let's find out!

Me: You did good, Narrator. You did good. Please Rest In Peace~

Narrator: Thank you..❤️ accends to heaven.

Location: Hyperbolic time chamber.

Opponent Goku challenges Opponent Merus

Goku's Goal: to aid in tapping into Ultra Instant.

Merus goal: Unknown~

Short Story begins: "NOW!"

As both the two enters the chamber, Goku began to do his signature stretching exercises. He grinned in a goofy manner after he was done. He then looked over at Merus who was ready whenever he was.

"Thanks for agreeing to train me, Merus. I'm glad I can have this opportunity to do this with you!!" Goku exclaimed excitedly. He then got in his signature old dragon style stance.

"How can I turn down an request like this, Goku? I'm pretty sure you'll make this entertaining for the both of us~" Merus said in a rather soft voice. He, himself soon got into a stance similar to whis.

Goku only laughed abit in a childish voice. He then smirked, readying himself. He kept his eyes focused on Merus paying no mind to the similarities of his stance that resembles whis's.

"Now, Merus, I only request that you don't hold back on me alright? I want to go all out! That's what I'm here for!" Goku said as if a fire could be seen burning in his eyes. Goku smiled.

"All out? Hmm..." Merus thought about about this then calmed down with his eyes closed. He began to power up without a second thought.

"Yeah- Woah-!" Goku said feeling the rise of power that was alluminating from Merus's body. The heat was beginning to get warm suddenly giving Goku an odd feeling.

Goku watched Merus as the place around them slowly began to rumble. No longer in his signature stance Goku touched his stomach feeling abit uneasy. A feeling he never felt before in his days of fighting.

"U-Um... Merus...?" Goku started.

Merus, however didn't pay no mind to Goku calling his name. Merus kept his eyes closed continuing to power up. Clearly something was wrong.

Merus's body was soon radiating a pink color. It swirled around him and Merus was beginning to feel it within himself. Merus's eyes shot open and he eyed Goku who was staring back at him.

The rumbling began to slowly die down as Merus then walked towards Goku. He soon dashed and ended up behind him. Within moments, Merus was breathing on goku's ear.

"You called my name~?" Merus said in a husky voice. He then delivered a punch to goku's back before Goku could even comprehend what was happening. The punch was so powerful, It knocked goku far from Merus.

Goku gasps out from the shock wave that blew him forward and tried to stop himself. He could only flip and slide across the floor with his feet on the ground. He then landed on his back and gasped.

Goku felt something within his skin. Something he never felt before. He slowly got up and looked down. His body was... shivering? Not just by the shock of the attack but something else.

"W-What was that...?" Goku asked slowly looking over at Merus who was casually walking towards him.

"We are going to be doing a different kind of training today, Goku. This training will guarantee you to win the battle against Moro~" Merus said as he slowly smiled in a lustful way to which it only confused Goku.

"A-A different kind of training...?" Goku asked unease's by the way Merus said it.


"Hmm, this isn't right..." Whis said as he stared into his staff at the fight between Merus and Goku while waiting on his father to greet him.

Whis visited the Omni-palace in hopes to speak with his father. While Whis was watching his staff, The doors to the palace creaked open and there, Daishinkan levitated over to his son to Whis's surprise.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Daishinkan asked, watching his son.

Whis stopped his viewing of Goku and Merus and humbly bowed to his father. He spoke.

"I'm-sorry to intrude on such short notice.." Whis admitted.

"Not a problem. I see you came here because of a problem regarding universe seven." Daishinkan said.

"So you know?" Whis eyed his father.

"Yes. I don't suppose you are trying to save your universe from this problem?" Daishinkan eyed back.

"No, I know we cannot asked to help our universe. That would mean destruction of the angel themselves if they interfere." Whis said without any emotion.

"That's correct. Now, why are you exactly here if you are not here to ask for help?" Daishinkan asked curiously.

"It's about the angel code of conduct..." Whis said.

"Yes, I was just going to look in on Merus. He is well known to blend in to the environment of the mortals." Daishinkan said looking at a fight between Goku and Merus, interested in it abit.

Whis bowed again and looked at his father. "Well, As we both know, Merus is not breaking any code regarding the angel conduct. As you can see in the view before you, He is nearly training Goku, even I have took the liberty of training mortals myself."

"Mmm, I guess you are right, Whis. But I see that you've only took it on yourself to train the mortals for food~" Daishinkan said in a humored voice by which it made Whis laugh abit.

"Oh, Am I THAT obvious?!" Whis then stopped laughing and looked to his father infront of him.

"May I be the watchful eye of Merus? As in take responsibility for his actions so that he won't cause any interference between mortals?"

Daishinkan was abit shocked by that sudden question. He looked at his son.
"Well, since he has not done anything to break the angel code, I'll allow it."

Whis then nodded and held his staff out. He then looked into it and looked back at his father. "Thank you." He then disappeared.


"W-What sort of training are you talking about Merus? What can possibly be different...?" Goku asked standing up and backing up just abit.

Merus suddenly stopped and looked up abit. He felt the ki of his brother approaching soon. He then looked at Goku and decided he had to do this quickly.

"Oh, You'll find out soon enough. But remember, This is only private training to get stronger for the battle against Moro~" Merus said casually.

"O-Okay, I hope this works..." Goku said abit unsettled. He stared at Merus as Merus only stared back.

"Oh it most certainly will. Let's get started~"

To be continued~

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