The Crash

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        When the plane was falling out of the air I though I was going to die. The next thing I heard was: I love you coming from my parents. Then... BANG!!!! When I woke up I thought I was dead. I was horrified by what I saw. Nobody was alive. There was blood everywhere. I figured I had to get out if I wanted to survive. So I tried my best to make it to the front to get out. I opened the door and fell out.

        I got to my knees and stood up. I wlaked along a trail I saw. Maybe it would lead me somewhere. About a mile up the trial I heard hooves galloping. I though it was a deer. I stopped. It was getting louder.

                SMASH!!!!!!!!The hooves stopped I crouched into a ball. I didn't want to get hurt.

"Who are you?" a girl siad as she jumped off her horse. 

"I'm Allison. Who are you?" I asked her.

"I'm Amy. How did you get here?"

"My plane crashed."

"I thought I heard a big bang. Come on lets get you back to the house."

"Is it far? I don't think that I can walk much longer."

"We can ride double on Spartan silly."

"What's a Spartan???"

"It's my horse. So come on. Lets go."

        She gave me a leg up onto the big black horse and off we went cantering away back to the house.On the way she asked me all these questions like: do you have parnents,were there any survivors, and where I came from. I think that she was pretty pleased. When we came to the driveway there way a big wooden panel that spread over head. The sign said HEARTLAND and under it there was a symbol that looked like the sun setting over the mountians.

        When we got to the barn, we untacked Spartan. Then we walked to the house. Then house had a big open deck, there was a screen door and Amy opened it.

        "Wait here," she told me. I nodded my head. She went inside and I coulod hear her talking to somebody.Then she came out with 2 people. One was a man that looked to be about 65 wearing a plade shirt and a cowboy hat. His mustache was a whiteish gray and his belt buckle shined in the sun.

        The other was a woman in her late twenties. She was wearing a green blouse and navy blue capris.

"Please Grandpa????" Amy said ecouragingly.

"Lou what do you think?" her grandpa said.

"She looks suitalbe." Lou said.

"Ok, you can stay." her grandpa said. "I'm Jack Bartlett. This is my grandaughter Lou and you have already met Amy."

        "I'm Allison." I said in a kind voice.That night we had dinner, talked, and I met thier family an they invited me in. I felt really special. There was even a girl my age. Her name was Gorgie. We kicked it off right away. I love it here. The people are great. Even though there was heartbreak, confusion, and friendship it was a great day.

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